This tool is similar to AdrenoProfiler
but it can run on all GPUs (not only Adreno
). The latest version is 2.3
, which supports both Android, Tizen, and Win32. It contains 2 parts: Server and Client. The Server must run first so that the Client can connect to the Server.
Android/Tizen Server
Server is a static library (.a
file), so you can link it to your program (game).
Link the corresponding .a
file (libkataprofiler.a
) to your program. These files can be found in the folders android
and tizen
After eglSwapBuffers()
in your program, insert these 2 lines:
void KPSwapBuffers();
In case you have C
code, insert:
void C_KPSwapBuffers();
If the code is not inside Global Scope (e.g., inside a namespace), move the first line to Global Scope (usually in the beginning of the file).
Win32 Server
Using the Win32 Server is much easier, no need to modify source code of your program.
Copy bootstrap.exe
and kataprofiler.dll
to your Win32 program folder.
Execute: bootstrap.exe <program>.exe
, for example: bootstrap.exe Asphalt8.exe
That's it!
The Client is a Windows Form Application written in C#
. Run it: KataProfiler.exe
Email: nghia.buivan@gameloft.com Skype: live:katatunix