MoodDiary Simple dApp

A webpage that interact with a smart contract on a real live Ethereum testnet on the internet.

Setup and Usage Steps

  1. Download and Install MetaMask.
  2. Click Ethereum Mainnet at the top. Change to the Goerli Testnet and get a copy of the account's public address on your Metamask Wallet.
  3. Request some Goerli Testnet Ether from a faucet loaded into your Metamask Wallet.
  4. Open index.html in your code editor.
  5. Serve the webpage via terminal/command prompt from the directory that has index.html in it using a HTTP lite-server/live server.
  6. Got your web server up? Go to or http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to see the page!
  7. Test the functions and approve the transactions as needed through Metamask. Note block times are ~15 seconds... so wait a bit to read the state of the blockchain
  8. See the contract and transaction info via
  9. Open the console in the browser to see the magic happen as you press those buttons.