A Ruby Sinatra interactive web application for playing the fun and exciting game of Tic-Tac-Toe.
To run the primary application and/or any of the included RSpec files for testing, run either the included Gemfile or manually install the following gems:
If you want to run the included Gemfile, enter the following statements into the command line:
gem install bundler
Before the application can run, the user must have a version of a Postgres database installed on their system, and running in an active session. At the time of creation of this application, Postgres 9.4 was used. To create the necessary database schema, enter the following Rake statements into the command line:
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:test:prepare
At the time of initial creation of this application, Ruby version 2.2.0 was used.
Testing the ruby methods can be done via rspec.
$ gem install rspec
$ rspec
$ shoulda-matchers
Upon completion of the above steps in the Installation section in project directory run
ruby app.rb
open up your preferred web browser and enter the following address:
To Practice:
- Using ActiveRecord
- User Input validation
None as of 2015-02-03.
Kathryn Carr and Lizzie Koehler
MIT license.