Video Vortex - Chalk LLC Interview Project

Big Picture

  • Re-create Video Vortex Mock-ups from JPG and/or Sketch File
  • Do not use any libraries, this project is soley HTML and CSS
  • Have fun!?

My experience with my first "professional pixel perfect recreation"

I have been creating this web design for an interview with a creative digital agency called Chalk! Since my past experience in web development has been freelance projects, this was my first time working with mockups.

Wow, what a fun and creative way to test skill I loved working with the design and production of Video Vortex.

Although I know that my solution is not perfect, I saw myself grow in new ways as a developer throughout this project.


Throughout this project, I found one challenge to be using strictly HTML and CSS to complete the web design. There were times that I wished that I could use JavaScript, such as the drop down menu's in the left column. It was exciting to research and realize that I was able to create similar solutions strictly with HTML and CSS though.

I also was challenged by developing for different screen widths. I was using Google Chrome developer tools during production to create the web design at each breakpoint, and while it looks exactly like the mockups do while in the dev tools, it does not look the same on mobile devices. I spent hours pushing my work up to GitHub Pages and sending the website to friend's for them to send back screenshots of what the design looked like on their devices. While this was very frustrating, it also gives me the motivation to get better and more knowledgeable with mobile development.

Wins (aka proud moments)

It was very exciting for me to exercise my knowledge of CSS. I am extremely passionate about design and making things "look good", so when I recieved this exercise I was very happy.

Moving Forward

I am honored to be a part of this interview process. As I have been a part of the Food and Beverage Industry all of my adult life, the idea of working for a creative digital agency that does brand and web development for craft brewing companies and industry-related consumers brings me so much excitement. I can't wait to see/hear how I can help Chalk grow.

Thanks for this opportunity!