Payments System

The project is intended to make payments with accounts. There are two roles: user and admin.
You can as user:

  • Create accounts
  • View account
  • Refill an account from another one
  • Make payment
  • Locking account
  • View payments
  • Filter payments

You can as admin:

  • View all accounts
  • View all payments
  • Edit accounts
  • Filter account/payments
  • Unlocking accounts
  • Set status DELETED for accounts


You should have such programms for starting project:

  1. Apache Tomcat Version 8.5.4
  2. Apache Maven Version 3.3.9
  3. JDK 8
  4. MySQL Server 5.5

Make next steps before deploy:

  • Register environment variables:
    • for Tomcat - CATALINA_HOME, PATH
    • for Maven - M2_HOME, PATH
    • for JDK - JAVA_HOME, PATH
    • for MySQL - PATH
  • Change settings of server Tomcat inside settings.xml in package installed Maven ../conf for the following:
  • Add user with following username, password, roles inside tomcat-users.xml in package installed Tomcat ../conf:
<user username="tomcat" password="tomcat"
  • Open the settings of access to the data base for project
    (path ..\dao\src\main\resources\
    and check the port, username, password (change they if it need).
  • Open the file mysql.bat (path ..\paymentsSystem\bin) and change login, password "root" (if they are another) for access to the MySQL data base in first and second lines.
  • Start the server Apache Tomcat in package installed Tomcat ../bin/startup.bat


You need run three steps for deploying project:

  1. Start mysql.bat (path ..\paymentsSystem\bin)
  2. Start systemPayments.bat (path ..\paymentsSystem\bin)
  3. Open Web Browser. Input there http://localhost:8080/paymentsSystem/(check port of the server Tomcat, here 8080)

Input data for log in as user:
login : user
password: user