
Small data exchange program using UNIX signals

Primary LanguageC


Small data exchange program using UNIX signals

  • To know what study before to code and how I solve it, go to wiki docs

How to run?

make all

Open 2 terminals and run

Terminal 1:


Terminal 2:

./client <PID> <string message that you want to send>

Common Instructions

Your project must be written in accordance with the Norm. If you have bonus files/functions, they are included in the norm check and you will receive a 0 if there is a norm error inside.

  • Your functions should not quit unexpectedly (segmentation fault, bus error, double free, etc) apart from undefined behaviors. If this happens, your project will be considered non functional and will receive a 0 during the evaluation.
  • All heap allocated memory space must be properly freed when necessary. No leaks will be tolerated.
  • If the subject requires it, you must submit a Makefile which will compile your source files to the required output with the flags -Wall, -Wextra and -Werror, and your Makefile must not relink.
  • Your Makefile must at least contain the rules $(NAME), all, clean, fclean and re.
  • To turn in bonuses to your project, you must include a rule bonus to your Makefile, which will add all the various headers, librairies or functions that are forbidden on the main part of the project. Bonuses must be in a different file _bonus.{c/h}. Mandatory and bonus part evaluation is done separately.
  • If your project allows you to use your libft, you must copy its sources and its associated Makefile in a libft folder with its associated Makefile. Your project’s Makefile must compile the library by using its Makefile, then compile the project.
  • We encourage you to create test programs for your project even though this work won’t have to be submitted and won’t be graded. It will give you a chance to easily test your work and your peers’ work. You will find those tests especially useful during your defence. Indeed, during defence, you are free to use your tests and/or the tests of the peer you are evaluating.
  • Submit your work to your assigned git repository. Only the work in the git repository will be graded. If Deepthought is assigned to grade your work, it will be done after your peer-evaluations. If an error happens in any section of your work during Deepthought’s grading, the evaluation will stop.
  • The executable files must be named client and server.
  • You have to handle errors sensitively. In no way can your program quit unexpectedly (Segmentation fault, bus error, double free, etc).
  • Your program cannot have memory leaks.
  • On the mandatory part you are allowed to use the following functions:

Mandatory Part

  • You must create a communication program in the form of a client and server.
  • The server must be launched first, and after being launched it must display its PID.
  • The client will take as parameters:
    • The server PID.
    • The string that should be sent
  • The client must communicate the string passed as a parameter to the server. Once the string has been received, the server must display it.
  • Communication between your programs should ONLY be done using UNIX signals.
  • The server must be able to display the string pretty quickly. By quickly we mean that if you think it is too long, then it is probably too long (hint: 1 second for 100 characters is COLOSSAL)
  • Your server should be able to receive strings from several clients in a row, without needing to be restarted.
  • You can only use the two signals SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2.


  • Add a small reception acknowledgment system.
  • support Unicode characters!