
Data analysis related to demographics of DC

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Data analysis + visualization of food and drink in DC for DataLensDC

dcDecadeChange (folder)

Analysis of demographic changes over the past decade across DC neighborhoods

Data Source: American Community Survey

Result: http://www.datalensdc.com/decadeChange.html

realPersonalIncome (folder)

Real personal income, adjusted for regional price differences and inflation, across the US

Data Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis

Result: http://www.datalensdc.com/wageRelative.html

howDCSpends (folder)

Spending characteristics of the DC metro areas compared to other metro regions

Data Source: BLS Consumer Expenditure Survey

Result: http://www.datalensdc.com/how-DC-spends.html

whoMovestoDC (folder)

Demographic profile of migrants to major US urban areas

Data Source: American Community Survey

Result: http://www.datalensdc.com/who-moves-to-DC.html

gentrificationFactors (folder)

Geographic analysis of income, race, and age in different DC neighborhoods over time

Data Source: [NeighborhoodInfoDC] (http://www.neighborhoodinfodc.org/)

Result: http://www.datalensdc.com/gentrification-by-numbers.html

migrationCompareACS (folder)

Migration anaylsis for major US cities

Data Source: American Community Survey

Result: http://www.datalensdc.com/migration-comparison.html

historicalMigrationIRS.SOI (folder-draft)

Migration numbers to DC over past 20 years

Data Source: IRS SOI data