=== scroll kit wordpress plugin ===
Contributors: schpet
Donate link: n/a
Tags: page editor, scroll kit
Requires at least: 3.0.1
Tested up to: 3.4
Stable tag: 4.3
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

The Scroll Kit plugin allows you to transform the visual appearance of an individual wordpress post or page.

== Description ==


- One click full page visual takeover of a post or page
- Add a persistent header or footer to these pages

== Installation ==

1. Upload the wordpress zip to your plugin directory

2. Activate the plugin.

3. Once activated, go to your Wordpress Settings menu, then Scroll Kit. Click ‘generate api key’

4. Once you receive an API key from Scroll Kit, copy and paste that key into the Scroll Kit settings page.

5. You’re all set, open a post and click convert to scroll to get going.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

=How do I add a persistent header and or footer to posts/pages that I convert into a scroll?=

Go to wordpress settings/scroll kit and insert code into the input fields.

== Screenshots ==

1. Use the entire browser for your content
2. Easily convert posts or pages to a Scroll Kit post
3. Edit posts using Scroll Kit's simple interface

== Changelog ==

==More information==


==Contact us==
