
some python scripts for doing vintage rotisserie stuff

Primary LanguagePython

VRD Tools

These are some python 3 tools I wrote to help manage stuff related to running MTG Vintage Rotisserie drafts, as well as calculating statistics for them. It's not written to really be usable by anyone but me, but if you would like to look at my code, here it is.


pip3 install unidecode google-api-python-client google_auth_oauthlib requests


Run update_scryfall_default_cards.py before anything else to get the latest scryfall data and upload it to the stats sheet.

Run update_gsheets.py to pull down new raw draft data, analyze it, and upload it back to the sheet.

If a card picked in a VRD is later banned in vintage, the name of that card should be put in /cards-later-banned-in-vintage.txt.

Generating list of legal VRD cards

Save the Default Cards from Scryfall's bulk data as /input/scryfall-default-cards.json.

Run python3 list_vintage_cards.py

See the finished output in /output/vintage_cards.txt. If you want to use it in Google Sheets, copy-paste it into the engine tab and add ' before +2 Mace to make Google Sheets happy.