##About This project is completed by Katharine Chen for the Active Record assessment for Epicodus.
##Description The objective of this project is to make a super basic point of sale (POS) system for a convenience store, using Active Record. A POS is a system that lets cashiers ring up customers for their purchase. The project must include at least one one-to-many relationship, and one many-to-many relationship, using at least one scope, validation, and callback.
- Store managers can add a new product to the POS, with its name, price, and available quantity, so they can keep track of what we're selling.
- Store managers can update the quantity of a specific product.
- Store managers can create logins for cashiers, so store managers know who is responsible for ringing up which purchases.
- Cashiers can work in many stores. Stores can have many cashiers.
- Store Managers can assign cashiers to work at specific stores.
- Store Managers can generate a list of cashiers for each specific store, as well as a list of stores for each cashier.
- Store Manager can list products with quantity that is less than five to restock.
Clone the repository in your terminal.
git clone https://github.com/katharinechen/point_of_sale.git
Bundle install all of the gems.
To run the program, run user_interface.rb in the terminal.
ruby user_interface.rb