
A docker container for the Out Of Your Element ( OOYE ) Matrix-to-Discord bridge.

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A docker container for the Out Of Your Element ( OOYE ) Matrix-to-Discord bridge. OOYE makes it super easy to bridge your Discord server to matrix, and this container makes it easy to deploy.


Create Discord Bot

The first step is to create a Discord bot that can be invited to the discord servers that you want to bridge to matrix.

  1. Go to the Discord Developer Applications page.
  2. Click "New Application".
  3. Give it a name like "My Bridge Bot" and click "Create".
  4. Go to the "Bot" tab in the left sidebar.
  5. Scroll down and click the "Reset Token" button.
  6. Confirm with "Yes, do it!" button.
  7. There will now be a token displayed.
  8. Click "Copy" below the token, and save that for future reference.
  9. Scroll down and make sure that the "MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT" toggle is enabled.

Setup OOYE

Now we can run our OOYE bridge.

  1. Run the following command on your server twice, to generate two random 64 character hex keys, and save the keys for future reference.
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=32 count=1 2> /dev/null | basenc --base16 | dd conv=lcase 2> /dev/null
  1. Create a blank database file for ooye:
touch ooye.db
# OOYE runs as user 1001 in the container
# so we make sure the database owner matches.
sudo chown 1001:1001 ooye.db
  1. Create a docker-compose.yml like the one below, but with your server info and tokens substituted in the environment section. Note the ADMIN_INVITE section, in which you should specify the matrix ID of the user that you want to have admin access on the matrix spaces and channels that the bot creates and bridges.
    image: ghcr.io/katharostech/ooye:master
      SERVER_NAME: your.server.name
      SERVER_ORIGIN: https://your.server.name
      ADMIN_INVITE: "@your_admin_user:some.matrix.server.that.could.be.your.server.name.or.not"
      URL: http://address_of_ooye_from_your.server.name:6693
      HS_TOKEN: your_first_random_token
      AS_TOKEN: your_second_random_token
      DISCORD_TOKEN: your_discord_bot_token
      - 6693:6693
      - ooye-data:/data

  1. In the same folder as your docker-compose.yml run docker compose up -d.
  2. You'll see the container download and start up. It will exit immediately after startup, that is expected.
  3. Run docker compose logs --no-log-prefix.
  4. You will see the startup logs printed, and at the top you will see Here is your registration YAML:. Take the YAML section, which is separated from the rest of the logs by a blank line above and below it, and use that to register an Application Service with your matrix server. You can see the Synapse docs or the Conduit docs for how to register the app service with your matrix server.
  5. Run docker compose up -d again.
  6. Run docker compose logs -f to follow the logs while the container starts up. A successful startup looks like this:
ooye-1  | Here is your registration YAML:
ooye-1  |
ooye-1  | id: de8c56117637cb5d9f4ac216f612dc2adb1de4c09ae8d13553f28c33a28147c7
ooye-1  | hs_token: 55d271cc660bd2c887408d3f218fdd93cf61be37936948ca15ca180757c1b152
ooye-1  | as_token: cff051af6ae69851fb8b928d9c91da20e17cb7bca437d7fd40b0c9ac2166c332
ooye-1  | url: http://localhost:6693
ooye-1  | sender_localpart: _ooye_bot
ooye-1  | protocols:
ooye-1  |   - discord
ooye-1  | namespaces:
ooye-1  |   users:
ooye-1  |     - exclusive: true
ooye-1  |       regex: '@_ooye_.*'
ooye-1  |   aliases:
ooye-1  |     - exclusive: true
ooye-1  |       regex: '#_ooye_.*'
ooye-1  | rate_limited: false
ooye-1  | ooye:
ooye-1  |   namespace_prefix: _ooye_
ooye-1  |   max_file_size: 5000000
ooye-1  |   server_name: my.matrix.server
ooye-1  |   server_origin: https://my.matrix.server
ooye-1  |   content_length_workaround: false
ooye-1  |   invite:
ooye-1  |     - '@my_username:matrix.org'
ooye-1  |
ooye-1  | Setting up / seeding database if necessary
ooye-1  | This could take up to 30 seconds. Please be patient.
ooye-1  | ✅ Configuration looks good...
ooye-1  | ✅ Database is ready...
ooye-1  | [api] register: _ooye_bot
ooye-1  | ✅ Matrix appservice login works...
ooye-1  | ✅ Emojis are ready...
ooye-1  | ✅ Discord profile updated...
ooye-1  | ✅ Matrix profile updated...
ooye-1  | Good to go. I hope you enjoy Out Of Your Element.
ooye-1  | Starting server
ooye-1  | Discord gateway started
ooye-1  | Discord logged in as My Bridge Bot#2400 (1245678910111213141)
ooye-1  | [2024-03-16T00:16:50 Client Ready]
  1. Press ctrl+C to exit stop following the logs once it's ready.

Invite the Bot To Your Server

Now that we've got our bridge running, we can invite the bot to our Discord guild! OOYE is cool and allows you to easily bridge multiple Discord guilds without having to run multiple bridges, so you can follow these steps once for each guild you want to bridge.

  1. Run docker compose exec ooye node addbot.js.
  2. Click the link that is printed out by that command.
  3. Select the Discord guild that you want to bridge from the dropdown, and click "Continue".
  4. It will show the required permissions. Click "Authorize".
  5. Visit your Discord guild and go through every channel and post something like connecting matrix bridge. Posting in a Discord channel will cause the bridge to create a corresponding matrix channel that matrix users will be able to join.

Configuring Your Matrix Rooms

Your ADMIN_INVITE user should receive an invite to any bridge discord spaces. This allows you to, for instance, make the space public, so that other users can join. Otherwise, you can keep the space private, and invite whomever you wish.

That's the last step, your matrix bridge is finished!


MatrixServerError: User ID already taken.

If you start an OOYE bridge and connected it to your matrix server, and then you start a new OOYE bridge, and connect that to the same matrix server, you may get errors from OOYE complaining that a user ID is already taken. This seems to be because OOYE will create users in matrix that correspond with the Discord users, but they will have their user ID prefixed with a namespace like _ooye_. If you start a new OOYE bridge and connect it to the same server, it will try to create those corresponding users with the same ID.

You might be able to fix this by setting the NAMESPACE_PREFIX environment variable in the environment: section of your docker-compose.yaml, for example:

# ...
      NAMESPACE_PREFIX: _ooye2_
# ...

This seems to resolve some errors, but not all of them, so we're still investigating this.