Repo for phenology group at the NEON Science Summit, October 2019
Determine what data you will use and what participants will need to engage with the data Can this be split out into smaller groups (working on different pieces)?
Maybe dig into data from both the NEON pheno-transects and the phenocams. Consider starting with one of the ecological topics and work backward from there with the specific data that would be required to address that topic
Put data/code in shared repository (we will set up Google drives for each group, but you might also use GitHub, for example) Think about starting small to develop workflows. These can be scaled up later.
-“Phenosynth” is an r-shiny app being developed at Northern Arizona University, the lead developer, Katharyn Duffy will be at the Summit, and is interested in developing a NEON-focused version.
-There is a new r-package to access and analyze USA NPN data.
-There are Bayesian Hierarchical models for fitting phenology curves and forecasting phenology parameters (eg. Senf et al 2017)