
A webscraper to gather data about my grocery-spending habits.

Primary LanguagePython

Pick n' Save Webscraper

This is a small webscraper I built a while ago that logs into my Pick n' Save account, grabs the grocery data from there, and then writes it to a CSV file. I was a bit curious about how much I was spending on food (really I wanted to know if I was buying too many Poptarts) so I made this using Python and Selenium using a webdriver for Firefox. It still needs a little more work, but most of it is there and functional.

Building this webscraper was a bit of a challenge at first. I had originally planned on using BeautifulSoup along with requests to scrape for data, but then I discovered the login page was rendered in JavaScript. I opted to use Selenium instead, which made things a lot easier, if a little slower.
