
Information for the R-Ladies Rotating Curation Twitter

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@WeAreRLadies: The R-Ladies RoCur


The R-Ladies RoCur (Rotating Curation) is a twitter handle that will feature an awesome R-Lady each week. This account is run by R-Ladies Global.


  1. To encourage and maintain Twitter engagement within the R-Ladies community.
  2. To spotlight female and minority genders (including but not limited to cis/trans women, trans men, non-binary, genderqueer, agender) and their great work in R.

How It Works

Every week, a different R-Lady takes over our twitter account to talk about the work they do in R. Featured curators come from a diversity of professions and have a range of experiences in R, from novice to expert.

If you are interested in becoming a curator, see our Be a Curator section and sign up here.

Check out @WeAreRLadies every Monday for a new curator!

Curator Schedule

Here is the current schedule of featured curators.

schedule <- as_tibble(read.csv("files/Rocur_Schedule.csv",stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
# schedule_df <- data.frame(read.csv("Rocur_Schedule.csv",stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

schedule$Twitter <- paste0("[", schedule$Twitter, "](", schedule$handle_URL, ")")

kable(schedule[,1:4]) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F, position = "left")

Be a Curator!

We are always looking for R-users to be a featured curator for our account! Everyone is welcome; R-Ladies encourages R-users of all professional backgrounds and experience levels to curate this account. Additionally, individuals do not need to be affiliated with R-Ladies to curate. Featured curators must meet the following criteria:

  • Curators must identify as female or non-binary.
  • Curators do not need to be affiliated with R-Ladies; however, curators need to register in the R-Ladies directory if they haven’t yet.
  • Curators must be individuals (i.e. an R-Ladies Chapter cannot be a featured curator; however, an organizer from a local chapter may curate and tweet about chapter events).
  • By signing on to be a curator of @WeAreRLadies you agree to our Curator Agreement that is outlined in our RoCur Curator Guide.

Curator Sign Up

Individuals may sign up to be a curator via this form.

  • They will be asked to provide a first and second choice.
  • Curatorship begins each Monday at 7:00 AM ET and ends the following Saturday at 12:00 PM ET.
  • Administrators will make all efforts to honor all scheduling requests but may ask that you be flexible as the administrators need to coordinate multiple schedules.
  • Administrators will contact you to schedule the week you will curate.