RUM Campus Life: Student organizations finder

Project information Page


Our motivation behind this project was to give students a different option to find different kind of organizations such as teams and research groups that are harder to learn about, compared to the official organizations that are more commonly know. At the same time, we wanted to provide a place where each organization leader has the ability to change or upload their information, and accept members that are interested in joining, without depending on a third party.

Problem Statement:

There is no specific place where students can find information on any student organization they might be interested in and instead have to wait and be attentive for cartero emails to arrive giving information on organizations that are looking for members, or find flyers posted in the bulletins boards in the University. Specific websites do exist but they have the problem that only one person can change the information for all of the organizations available or they are hard to find.

Technical Approach:

Our solution was to create a web application that serves as a catalog for student organizations to present their work to students who are in search of specific ones to join and want to see the options available in a singular searching space. These organizations will help students explore different interests in their field of study and inspire them to pursue those interests in their future careers.

Lastly, it's important to note that this web application will not function as a Social Media platform but instead a listing where students and professors can list their organizations for general knowledge of the students utilizing the web-application.

Team members:

  • Edison Zapata Velez
  • Kathiana Diaz
  • Samuel Diaz Bidot



  1. cd [frontend directory]
  2. Install dependencies using npm install
  3. Run frontend client using npm start
  4. Client can be accessed from http://localhost:3000


  1. cd [backend directory]
  2. Activate python virtual enviorment
  3. Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run web server uvicorn main:app --reload
  5. Server docs can be accessed from http://localhost:8000/docs