
Primary LanguageJavaScript

NC News Back-End Project

Northcoders News (NC-News) is a news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website similar to Reddit.

It hosts articles which are divided into topics such as coding, football and cooking.

Each article has a rating which can be up or down voted by a registered user.

Users can also add comments about an article. Comments can also be up or down voted. A user can also delete their comments should they wish.

The project has been built using the following:

  • Express: a web application framework for Node.js.
  • PostgreSQL: an open source relational database
  • Knex: an SQL query builder for relational databases
  • Jest: a testing framework
  • Jest Sorted: which makes it easier to test if an array has been correctly sorted.
  • Supertest: for testing HTTP assertions

The project is supplied with a test and a development database.

The API has been hosted on Heroku and can be found here: https://kathryn-nc-news.herokuapp.com/api

Getting Started


  1. Fork and clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/kathrynr22/be-nc-news

  1. cd into the repository

cd be-nc-news

  1. install the dependencies

npm install

  1. Set up and seed the database

npm run setup-db-dev

npm run seed-dev

Running the tests

I have followed TDD (Test Driven Development) best practice when building this application and it is built on the basis of RESTful endpoints.

To test the utility functions:

npm run test utils

To test the API:

npm run test app

To test the entire application:

npm test

What endpoints are being tested?

  • GET /api/topics - Responds with an array of topic objects.
  • GET /api/users/:username - Responds with a user object.
  • GET /api/articles/:article_id/ - Responds with an article object.
  • PATCH /api/articles/:article_id/ - Responds with an article object with the votes property incremented/decremented.
  • POST /api/articles/:article_id/comments - Responds with a posted comment.
  • GET /api/articles/:article_id/comments - Responds with an array of comments for a given article_id and accepts sort_by and order queries.
  • GET /api/articles - Responds with an array of article objects and allows for sort_by, order, author and topic queries.
  • PATCH /api/comments/:comment_id/ - Responds with an updated comment object, with the votes property incremented/decremented.
  • DELETE /api/comments/:comment_id - Deletes a comment by its comment_id.

The tests cover both "happy path" scenarios as well as various "unhappy path" scenarios.


Kathryn Roberts