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PORO Validator

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PoroValidator is a lightweight validation library for your Plain Old Ruby Objects (hence PoroValidator).

I always believed that validation is a seperate concern and should not be defined in the object that you are going to be validating. This validator library aims to seperate the validation to a seperate concern giving it great flexibility and scalability.

It is framework agnostic and can be used on any plain old ruby object/entities.


While ActiveModel::Validations is great if you've got simple validation logic, it doesn't cut it for complex validations needs. When you have different validation for the same object at each point in it's life cycle, you need something more flexible.

The problem with ActiveModel::Validations is that it hooks pretty deep into ActiveRecord. The main use case for ActiveModel::Validations is to prevent bad data hitting your database - which isn't always the case (sometimes we want to allow bad data to go through). PoroValidator decouples your validation logic from your object structure. With PoroValidator you can define different validation rules for different contexts. So instead of objective validation where the validation is defined in the object you want to validate we define it in a seperate class making it subjective.



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'poro_validator'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install poro_validator


Creating and using a validator

# Create a validator
class CustomerValidator
  include PoroValidator.validator

  validates :last_name, presence: true
  validates :first_name, presence: true
  validates :age, numeric: { min: 18 }

validator = CustomerValidator.new

# Validate entity
customer = CustomerDetail.new
validator.valid?(customer) # => false
validator.errors.full_messages # => ["last name is not present", "..."]

# Validate hash
customer = {}
validator.valid?(customer) # => false
validator.errors.full_messages # => ["last name is not present", "..."]


Default Validators

Exclusion Validator

  • in: responds to an Array, Range or Set
  validates :foo, exclusion: 5..10
  validates :boo, exclusion: [1,2,3,4,5]
  validates :zoo, exclusion: { in: [1,2,3,4,5] }
  validates :moo, exclusion: 5..10, if: proc { false }

Float Validator

  validates :foo, float: true
  validates :boo, float: true, if: proc { false }

Format Validator

  • with pass in regex or string
  validates :foo, format: /[a-z]/
  validates :boo, format: { with: /[a-z]/ }

Inclusion Validator

  validates :foo, inclusion: 1..10
  validates :boo, inclusion: { in: [1,2,3,4,5] }
  validates :zoo, inclusion: { in: 1..10 }

Integer Validator

  validates :foo, integer: true
  validates :boo, integer: true, if: proc { false }

Length Validator

Value must be either a string or can be casted as one
  • extremum: min and max
  • min: minimum
  • max: maximum
  validates :foo, length: 1..10
  validates :boo, length: { extremum: 1 }
  validates :zoo, length: { min: 10, max: 20 }
  validates :moo, length: { min: 10 }
  validates :goo, length: { max: 10 }
  validates :loo, length: 1..10, if: proc { false }

Numeric Validator

Value must be either an integer or can be casted as one
  • extremum: min and max
  • min: minimum
  • max: maximum
  validates :foo, numeric: 1..10
  validates :boo, numeric: { extremum: 5 }
  validates :zoo, numeric: { min: 10, max: 20 }
  validates :moo, numeric: { min: 10 }
  validates :goo, numeric: { max: 20 }
  validates :loo, numeric: 1..10, if: proc { false }

Presence Validator

  validates :foo, presence: true
  validates :boo, presence: true, if: proc { false }

With Validator


  • :with requires an existing validator class to be passed
  validates :foo, with: ExistingValidator

Custom Validators

Creating validators is easy! Just follow the example below!

module PoroValidator
  module Validators
    class CustomValidator < BaseClass

      def validate(attribute, value, options)
        message = options[:message] || "custom validator message"
        # your validation logic code goes here..

        # add error message if validation fails
        errors.add(attribute, message, options)

Note when creating custom validators

You can either define the error message in your validator like shown above or define it via the PoroValidator.configuration

Error Messages


The message configuration object, allows you to change the default error message produced by each validator. The message must be in the form of a lambda or Proc, and may or may not receive an argument. Use the example below for reference when customizing messages.

PoroValidator.configure do |config|
    config.message.set(:numeric, lambda { "is not a number" })
    config.message.set(:presence, lambda { "is not present" })
    config.message.set(:inclusion, lambda { |set| "not in the set: #{set.inspect}")

#on method

The on method is used to acccess the error messages related to a key or attribute/method.

unnested validations

Pass in either a symbol or a string

validator.errors.on(:attribute) || validator.errors.on("attribute")
nested validations

Pass in a nested hash structure reflective of the object that was validated

validator.errors.on({address: :line1})
validator.errors.on({address: {city: :locality}})
validator.errors.on({address: {country: {coordinates: {planent: :name}}}})

Conditional Validations

You can pass in conditional

class CustomerValidator
  include PoroValidator.validator

  validates :last_name, presence: { unless: :foo_condition }
  validates :first_name, presence: { if: lambda { true } }
  validates :dob, presence: { if: :method_in_the_validator_class }
  validates :age, presence: { if: :entity_method }
  validates :address do
    validates :line1, presence: { if: 'entity.nested_entity.method' }

Nested Validations

# validator
class CustomerDetailValidator
  include PoroValidator.validator

  validates :customer_id, presence: true

  validates :customer do
    validates :first_name, presence: true
    validates :last_name,  presence: true

  validates :address do
    validates :line1, presence: true
    validates :line2, presence: true
    validates :city,  presence: true
    validates :country do
      validates :iso_code,   presence: true
      validates :short_name, presence: true
      validates :coordinates do
        validates :longtitude, presence: true
        validates :latitude,   presence:true
        validates :planet do
          validates :name, presence: true

entity = CustomerDetailEntity.new
validator = CustomerDetailValidator.new
validator.errors.full_messages # => [
  "customer_id is not present",
  "{:customer=>:first_name} is not present",
  "{:customer=>:last_name} is not present",
  "{:address=>{:country=>{:coordinates=>:longtitude}}} is not present",
  "{:address=>{:country=>{:coordinates=>:latitude}}} is not present",
  "{:address=>{:country=>{:coordinates=>{:planet=>:name}}}} is not present"

Composable Validations

# Create a validators
class CustomerValidator
  include PoroValidator.validator

  validates :last_name, presence: true
  validates :first_name, presence: true
  validates :age, numeric: { min: 18 }

class AddressValidator
  include PoroValidator.validator

  validates :line1, presence: true
  validates :lin2, presence: true
  validates :city, presence: true
  validates :state, presence: true
  validates :zip_code, format: /[0-9]/

# Create another validator and use the existing validator class as an option

class CustomerValidator
  include PoroValidator.validator

  validates :customer, with: CustomerValidator
  validates :address, with: AddressValidator

# Create an entities
class CustomerDetailEntity
  attr_accessor :customer
  attr_accessor :address

customer_detail = CustomerDetailEntity.new

# Validate entity

validator = CustomerValidator.new
validator.valid?(customer_detail) # => false
validator.errors.full_messages # => [
  "customer" => "last name is not present", ".."
  "address" => "line1 is not present", ".."



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/magicalbanana/poro_validator. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Copyright (c) 2015 Kareem Gan