SCI Interim

Data entry and records application for Spinal Care Injuries at Veterans Affairs

Build Status Coverage Status

How to get started hacking

There are 2 steps:

  1. Setting up postgres
  2. Setting up rails

postgres Setup

Install the postgres binary somehow. For Mac, use Homebrew and run brew install postgres. For Linux, use your package manager. You're on your own for windows.

If this is the inital setup of postgres, you must create the database files, create the initial user, etc. Executing

rake pg:first_run

will do all of the above including seeding the database. Notice the pg is not db.

If this is not the first run, then you may need to start/stop the database process by doing some combination of

rake pg:start
rake pg:stop

This rake script runs a postgres instance under your current user. If you have a system postgres daemon, parts of this might not work.

Rails Setup

  • bundle install
  • rails s
  • guard # Use this to auto-run affected specs as you change code.