I consider myself a problem solver. My strengths are to navigate in complex environments, provide solutions and breaking them down. My knowledge and interests evolve around business law and programming machine learning applications. I provide services in building data analysis and evaluating business-related concepts.
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- CleanA
- CoffeeCode
- ComplementProgramming
- ConceptRegression
- DebugTFBasics
- EUWettbewerb
- Githooks
- InstalTF
- LawStatisticsExample
- MLCourseTips
- MLIntroP1
- MLIntroP2
- MLIntroP3
- MLIntroP4
- Reflect2018
- Tensor
- TensorflowIntro
- deepLearningStep
Read as GitBook
- 📝 Why I Start Writing
- 📝 My Writing Framework
- 🏠 Understanding MVC
- 📝 How to set up Atom for writing
- ⚛️ Introduction to Redux
- ⚛️ Introduction to React
- 💻 What is Free Code Camp?
- ⚛️ React Native Introduction
- ⚛️ Todo App with React & Redux
- 📝 How to write User Stories - The practical way
- ⚖️ Introduction to licensing in open source
- 📖 Summary of #AskGaryVee
- 💻 Introduction to C# and .NET
- 🌐 Introduction to AWS
- 🌐 Hosting a static website with AWS
- 🌐 Web scraping Intro
- 📖 Summary of Secrets of a JavaScript Ninja
- 💸 E-Commerce Shopping Intro
- 🌟 3 Things on Motivation
- 🌐 A simple dynamic Node.js app
- 🌟 Why to keep coding
- 🌐 Introduction to Authentication with Node.js and MongoDB
- 🌐 Building a REST API
- 📩 Building the FCC Voting App
- ⚛️ React Components
- 📖 Summary of The second machine age
- ⚛️ Fetching data in React
- ⚛️ Rating questions in React and Redux
- ⚖️ Contracts in the IT sector
- 🌟 Reduce your time clicking elements on the web
- 🌐 Automate email settings with JavaScript
- ⚛️ Fetching Github Repos with React and Redux
- 🌟 Expectations
- 🌐 Publishing an organization page to Github Pages
- ⚛️ Machine learning example in JavaScript
- 🌟 Learnings from my first full-stack app in JavaScript
- 🌟 Understanding Machine Learning
- ⚛️ Introducing TypeScript (with a section on JSX)
- 🌐 Summary of the Pragmatic Programmer
- ⚛️ Introducing Relay
- ⚛️ Introducing Data Visualization in Python
- 🌟 5 Tips for time management
- 🌟 Reminder on cognitive biases
- 🌟 Make a difference - motivational reminder
- 🌐 Online Text Summarizers
- ⚛️ ML libraries in JavaScript
- ⚛️ Implement linear regression in React
- 🌐 Favorite VS Code Extensions 2017
- 🌐 Reflecting Meetups 2017
- 🌐 Reflecting on 2017 - The legal tech student perspective