
R wrapper for the advice slip API

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT

Travis build status


The goal of advicegiveR is to provide an easy way to make calls to the advice slip API. It also provides a fun way to share the advice you get!


You can install advicegiveR from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Get a random piece of advice:

#> The id you are using is 40
#> API endpoint = http://api.adviceslip.com/advice/40
#> [1] "Never run with scissors."

The advice slip API has 216 different outputs (from what I can tell). You can also request a particular piece of advice using the id argument. If you get a random piece of advice, the function will tell you what id it ended up using so you can find it again.

advice <- get_advice(id = 25)
#> The id you are using is 25
#> API endpoint = http://api.adviceslip.com/advice/25

#> [1] "Never buy cheap cling film."

Then if you want to print the advice on an image, I have some images ready for you! You can choose from clouds, mountain, ocean, paper, sunset, or rainbow. (You can also use your own image loaded with the magick package.)

mountain <- load_image(image_name = "mountain")

After you've chosen your image, you can put the advice and image together.

print_advice(image = mountain, advice = advice, textcolor = "yellow", size = 40)

Then you can save the image you created! A good way comes from the magick package:



If you have an idea for this package, feel free to submit an issue or pull request!