Group 1 Solution: 268,452 gas

See proxy branch for a version that costs 231,252 gas but must be run on a fork of Sepolia

  • Run via: rm -rf cache;forge test --gas-report --optimizer-runs 1
  • Output:
src/Gas.sol:GasContract contract
Deployment Cost Deployment Size
268452 1529
Function Name min avg median max # calls
addToWhitelist 21678 22663 22987 23203 2048
administrators 21734 21742 21746 21746 5
balanceOf 23681 23721 23705 23921 1793
balances 23649 23798 23877 23877 1024
checkForAdmin 21687 21687 21687 21687 1
getPaymentStatus 23759 23901 23987 23987 256
transfer 26962 66272 66634 66870 1024
whiteTransfer 67407 67593 67647 89319 768
whitelist 21636 21785 21864 21864 512
  • The goal of this competition was to optimize the deployment gas cost as much as possible, no effort was made to optimizing the cost of calling contract methods
  • Note: there is a bug in the fuzz tests causing testTransfer and testWhiteTranferAmountUpdate to fail intermittently. These failures happen with the original contracts as well.

Original Instructions


  • Your task is to edit and optimise the Gas.sol contract.
  • You cannot edit the tests &
  • All the tests must pass.
  • You can change the functionality of the contract as long as the tests pass.
  • Try to get the gas usage as low as possible.

To run tests & gas report with verbatim trace

Run: forge test --gas-report -vvvv

To run tests & gas report

Run: forge test --gas-report

To run a specific test

RUN:forge test --match-test {TESTNAME} -vvvv EG: forge test --match-test test_onlyOwner -vvvv