What I solved:
A platform for designers to share their work.
User stories:
As a user I would like to create a project so I can share my work.
As a user I would like to edit a project so I can modify my work.
As a user I would like to delete a project so I can remove my work.
As a user I would like to comment on other people's project so I can offer feedback.
As a user I would like to delete comments on other people's project.
Heroku link:
Sign in/ sign up (new user)
New project
Update profile
Update project (only if you are the author of that project)
Comment on a project
Delete comment
Sign out
Users table Project table Comments table
A user has many projects. A user has many comments.
A project belongs to a user. A project has many comments.
A comment belongs to a project.
Awkward bits:
Associations and the cryptic errors. Heroku
Cool beans:
Building a real world application and the ability to build upon features.
Unsolved problems:
Build a like model.
Where next:
Make it responsive. Allow followers.
To Jack and Kane for their incredible guidance, answering ridiculous questions and endless bug fixing.