# Biblioteca
### Command Line Library Management System

### Setup instructions
1. Sign into GitHub and create a new repository
    * Repository name: twu-biblioteca-yourname
    * Privacy level: Public
    * Don't check "Initialize this repository with a README"
    * Add .gitignore: None
    * Add a license: Apache License 2.0

2. Run 'git init' in the folder that was extracted from the downloaded .zip file, in order to initialize local repository.

3. Make a local commit
    * `$ git add -A`
    * `$ git commit -m “Initial commit”`
    * *Dont forget to add the hidden .idea folder, as it will make opening your project in Intellij easier.*

4. After you are done with the local commit, you can share your code with the world by pushing it to your GitHub.
    * `$ git remote add origin https://github.com/<YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME>/twu-biblioteca-<YOURNAME>`
    * `$ git push origin master`

5. You can then open your code in Intellij
    * `Go to File > Open` (or Open Project)
    * Select the directory containing the code


### User stories

#### Release No. 1

**Welcome Message**
As a customer,
I'd like to see a welcome message when I start the application,
So that I feel welcome and know that Biblioteca is available.

**List Books**
As a customer,
I'd like to see a list of all library books after the welcome message appears,
So that I can browse for books I might want to check-out.
*Assume that there is a pre-existing list of books. You don't need to support adding or removing books from the library.*

**Book Details**
As a customer,
I'd like the list of all books to include each book's author and year published,
So that I can be confident that I have found the book I am looking for.
*The book listing should have columns for this information.*

**Main Menu**
As a customer,
I'd like to see a list of options and be able to choose one instead of automatically seeing the book list.
*For now, the only option should be 'List Books'. All future options should be added to this menu also.*

**Invalid Menu Option**
As a customer,
I'd like to be notified when I choose an invalid option with the message “Select a valid option!”,
So that I can know when I need to re-enter my choice.

As a customer,
I'd like to continue choosing options until I choose to 'Quit'.

**Checkout Book**
As a librarian,
I'd like customers to be able to check-out a book.
*Checked out books should not appear in the list of all library books.*

**Successful Checkout**
As a customer,
I'd like to know that a book has been checked out by seeing the message “Thank you! Enjoy the book”.

**Unsuccessful Checkout**
As a customer,
I'd like to be notified if the book I tried to check-out is not available by seeing the message, “That book is not available.”,
So that I know that I need to select a different book or fix my spelling error.

**Return Book**
As a librarian,
I'd like customers to be able to return a book,
So that other customers can check that book out.
*Returned books should appear in the list of library books.*

**Successful Return**
As a customer,
I'd like to be notified if the book I am returning belongs to this library by seeing the message, “Thank you for returning the book.”,
So that I know I returned the book to the right library.

**Unsuccessful Return**
As a customer,
I would like to be notified if the book I am returning has not been added to this library by seeing the message, “That is not a valid book to return.”,
So that I can return it to the correct library or fix my spelling error.