
Fork of the course laboratory content, used to save my changes on github as a backup plan.

Primary LanguagePython


Code for the Planning lab of Planning and Automated Reasoning course, MSc degree in Artificial Intelligence 2022/2023 of the University of Verona


  1. Download Anaconda for your System.

  2. Install Anaconda and Git:

    • On Linux/Mac:

      • sh Anaconda{version}.sh to install the Anaconda version chosen.
      • Could be necessary to update your .bashrc file writing this line: export PATH=~/anaconda3/bin:$PATH then save and close the .bashrc file.
      • Open a terminal and digit: source ~/.bashrc
      • Install Git: sudo apt-get install git
    • On Windows:

      • Double click the installer to launch.
      • NB: during the installation, ensure to install "Anaconda Prompt" and use it for the other steps.
      • Install Git: download here
  3. Setup Conda environment:

    • git clone https://github.com/LM095/Planning-Lab
    • conda env create -f tools/planning-lab-env.yml

Using the Jupyter Notebook

To start the environment and work on your assignments, navigate to the downloaded folder root (Planning-Lab) and run:

conda activate planning-lab
jupyter notebook

The last command will open your browser for you to start working. To open the tutorial navigate with your browser to the current lesson notebook (Lesson_*/lesson_*_problem.ipynb).



Environments are based on OpenAI Gym: https://github.com/openai/gym