
Project for 2MMA80 (2023-GS2) Mathematics of Neural Networks

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Project: Sign Language Digit Recognition

Project for Mathematics of Neural Networks 2MMA80, CNN for the classification task Dataset_sign_language.


DUE DATE 18th of January. The project is graded /10 with points given for:

Item Points
Correctly set up the training process with split dataset, batched SGD, etc. 2.0
Define and train a neural network that can classify the given images 2.0
Document every step you take,
others should understand what is happening from the text/comments
Describe and perform an experiment of your choice,
report your results and draw conclusions


Choose one of these:

  • Vary the width/depth
  • Compare different activation functions
  • Try data augmentation
  • Compare different SGD variants
  • Try different loss functions
  • Compare different initialization schemes (such as found in torch.nn.init)
  • Use the full sized color images and compare the difference with the grayscale images
  • Can the network recognized rotated images?
  • Analyse the evolution of the parameters during training.


To run the code we need to install the python Virtual Environment with all the dependencies.
Install venv on your machine:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo install python3-venv

Then clone the repo and run the installation script:

git clone https://github.com/kativenOG/mnn_project
cd  mnn_project/deps
bash installer.sh 

In a new terminal just run:

python3 main.py

Or run the code through the notebook using VSCode (or any other iPython environment):

code project.ipynb

To run the project with a specific set of params, just add the file (ex: params.json) to the directory and pas it as a inline argument to the CLI version:

python3 main.py params.json


  • Add initialization scheme;
  • Choose one or more Extras;
  • Add more metrics to the Test;
  • Write the project Notebook explaining every step.