
A repo with some info to help people learning to code for free



This repository of files has been created to be a useful source of information for people interested in learning to code for free. You don't have to spend a lot of money to learn to code. There are many free resources and groups that can help you. Don't let money stop you. We need more diversity in tech and so often the blockers are lack of information and money. I hope this can help make a positive change for our industry, because we need greater diversity to create better software.

It's starting as a series of mark down files, but the plan is to turn it into a website. Bootcamps & meetups are currently mainly limited to the UK. Would welcome more contributions for other Countries. Also aware this is all for English speakers, it would be great to have resources for languages other than English.

The current information I've collated includes:

  • Free Bootcamps
  • Meetup groups where you can learn to code for free
  • Free online resources for: learning to code, podcasts, e-books, tech tests, interviews & cvs


Feel like something's missing? Please open a PR to contribute.

I've added organisations and resources that I'm aware of, but unfortunately this can't be an exhaustive list as I don't know of everything out there.

Please help to share any knowledge you have by growing this repository.