
Check on the status of your websites, APIs, and lightning nodes from your browser or BlockClock Mini

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Lapp Dashbaord


Photo of BlockClock Mini with Lapp Dashboard

Lapp Dashboard is a simple server that monitors any web endpoints (specifically, any website / API and lightning network nodes), and allows users to view their current status from the browser or, optionally, over Discord or on their BlockClock Mini.

How to use

First, download & prepare the express app:

git clone https://github.com/katokishin/lapp-dashboard
npm install

Next, you must create a .env file and fill it out as explained in the .env.example file:

cp .env.example .env
nano .env  # or any other text editor

Add services to a new file listServices.json under the folder monitoring:

  { "position":0, "name":"GHUB", "type":"WEB", "url": "https://github.com" },

Make sure not to forget to add the "macaroon" property for LND nodes, (Give it a readonly.macaroon for safety!) and make sure the node is actually listening for REST connections. (restlisten parameter.)

If you run your node in a Docker container or on the cloud, check whether the REST API port is exposed as well.

Finally you can run the program:

npm start

Tor support

If you have Tor installed on your system, you can also monitor services & nodes over Tor.

Example listService.json and .env for monitoring LND over Tor:

    "position": 0,
    "name": "LND1",
    "type": "LND",
    "url": "https://someonionaddress.onion:8080",
    "macaroon": "somehexademicalmacaroon123..."

This also should not require manual settings in .env as long as defaults are used for Tor & LND REST API.

Getting a readonly.macaroon from Lnd

From the .lnd directory, perform xxd -ps data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/readonly.macaroon to get it in hexadecimal format.

Remove newlines and add to listService.json where necessary.