
iPXE custom ROM

Primary LanguageShell


Build Status

This container is used to generate custom iPXE images with embedded scripts. Given the iPXE script below...

dhcp && chain http://boot.kato/ipxe?roles=quorum,master,worker

...floppy, ISO and USB images can be generated using the examples below:

Floppy image with a custom embedded script:

docker run -it --rm \
-v ${PWD}:/tmp \
quay.io/kato/ipxe \
bin/ipxe.dsk EMBED=/tmp/embedded.ipxe

ISO image with a custom embedded script:

docker run -it --rm \
-v ${PWD}:/tmp \
quay.io/kato/ipxe \
bin/ipxe.iso EMBED=/tmp/embedded.ipxe

USB image with a custom embedded script:

docker run -it --rm \
-v ${PWD}:/tmp \
quay.io/kato/ipxe \
bin/ipxe.usb EMBED=/tmp/embedded.ipxe

VirtualBox tips:

Using the host's resolver as a DNS proxy in VirtualBox NAT mode:

VBoxManage modifyvm ${VM_NAME} --natdnshostresolver1 on

Now you can edit the host's /etc/hosts and add some fake records such as: ipxe.kato.one