
Lab project for Om

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Lab project for Om


You will need Leiningen 2.3.0 or above installed.

Compilation (dev)

To compile the project run

lein do deps, cljsbuild once, test

Running (dev)

To start a web server for the application, run:

lein ring server

To start a web server on custom port 8080, run

lein ring server 8080

The default dev login is root/root.

REPL session

To start a REPL development session run:

lein repl
(go) ; init and run ring server
(load-test-data) ; load a testing data set
(cljs-repl)	; create cljs REPL accepting connections at 9000
; Compiling client js ...
; Waiting for browser to connect ...

You can now connect to the app at http://localhost:4000 and login with default dev credentials. When the application is loaded you and connected should see the message and a new REPL prompt:

To quit, type: :cljs/quit ClojureScript:cljs.user>

You can now access the browser from the REPL session.

cljs.user=> (+ 1 2)

Open a popup dialog in the connected browser:

cljs.user=> (js/alert "Ahoy!")

You can easily inspect or manipulate the application state

ClojureScript:cljs.user> @omlab.ui/app-state
; :showing-tab :lab, :notifications {}, :navbar-menu [{:text "Lab", :tab "lab", 
; :roles #{:admin :user}} {:text "Admin", :tab "admin/users", :roles #{:admin}}],
; :users [], :admin {}, :new-user {}, :user-profile {}, 
; :current-user {:roles #{:admin}, :name "Omlab Administrator", 
; :username "root", :guid ":5"}}


To create a production standalone jar run

lein with-profile prod do cljsbuild once, ring uberjar

Run the server process with (the default port is 3000)

java -jar omlab-standalone.jar

Testing production build

Create a production uberjar and run it with the test config

CONFIG_FILE=dev-resources/config_dev.edn \
PORT=4000 \
java -jar target/omlab-standalone.jar


Copyright © 2012-2016 leafclick s.r.o.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.