
Life - the timeline of important events in my life


This is something that I've wanted to build for a long time. It's a timeline of important events in my life, visualized in a way my mind always imagine it. There was something called Lifepath.me but now it's gone. How about Facebook timeline? Meh.

So, this is it. Have a look at cheeaun.github.io/life.


  • Super simple
  • No fancy formatting
  • No fancy setup
  • No fancy effects
  • Flexible datetimes because sometimes you don't remember the exact date of an event

How to contribute

  1. Fork this project.
  2. Write code.
  3. Make pull requests.

How to setup your own Life

  1. Fork this project.
  2. Edit life.md.
  3. Push to gh-pages branch and publish to GitHub Pages.

Special datetime formats

  • 2001-2005, 10/2001-02/03/2005 - Within the two dates
  • ~2005 - Around the time in that year
  • 2005-~ - From that year and beyond (now).
