movie content (movies.csv, ratings.csv, tags.csv)
You could use any way to index data:
- Logstash (csv input, ... )
- Java/Python/C# – Elastic client -> indexing
- match phrase
- fuzzy
- filter/sort by average rating
- finding top-10 tags for the movie
- find movies which userX is put rating of 5).
NB: Try implement it using several approaches for working with hierarchical data and explain which one is the best fit here
sudo docker build -t movies_ingestion -f ingestion/Dockerfile .
Map data volume from here movie content (movies.csv, ratings.csv, tags.csv) and run ingestion
docker run --network=host -it -v $("pwd")/data:/app/data movies_ingestion
sudo docker build -t movies_searcher -f docker/Dockerfile .
docker run --network=host -it movies_searcher
movie match-title "Toy story"
movie fuzzy-title "Golang"
movie top-movies --genre Adventure
movie movie-tags 100
movie user-top 1001