
A half day introductory workshop: learning R by doing!

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A half day introductory workshop: learning R by doing!

The R programming language is an invaluable tool for data science. This course equips you with the fundamental tools for data analysis in R and RStudio.

Learning outcomes

You'll come out of this course with basic understanding of R as an environment for data handling, data exploration and data visualization. Via a set of hands-on demonstrations and exercises you first study the basics of the R syntax, you will explore RStudio as an integrated development environment for R programming and learn about R packages. You explore the different types of objects, data structures and data types used in R. Then, you focus on working with data sets in R; import, export, data manipulations, data cleaning and wrangling. You will meet powerful packages such as data.table and the packages from the tidyverse. Finally, you will use R to create various types of insightful graphics and discover the basics of writing and using funtions in R.

The course is designed for new R users, no prior knowledge is required.

Software Requirements

Please bring a laptop with a recent version of R and RStudio installed.

Run the following script in your R session to install the required packages.

packages <- c("tidyverse", "corrplot", "rpart", "readxl", "data.table", "gapminder", "microbenchmark", "mgcv", "evtree", "classInt", "rgdal", "RColorBrewer", "ggmap", "grid", "gridExtra")
new_packages <- packages[!(packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new_packages)) install.packages(new_packages)

all_packages <- c("ggplot2", "dplyr", "tidyr", "purrr", "readr", "tibble", "lubridate", "corrplot", "readxl", "data.table", "rpart", "gapminder", "microbenchmark", "mgcv", "evtree", "classInt", "rgdal", "RColorBrewer", "ggmap", "grid", "gridExtra")

if(sum(!(all_packages %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"]))) {
  stop("Not all required packages are installed!")
} else {
  message("Everything is set up correctly. You are ready for the workshop!")

These instructions can also be downloaded as .R script from the folder instructions-for-participants. Open this script in R (via File > Open file), select the code and press the Run top right in the script window.