It is a test program for VoiceText Web API, which HOYA Corporation provides.
It uses the Ruby script. First, you should get the runtime of ruby. For installation, please see the official site.
Use the git command or download it.
Download it from the below link.
Move the project directory by Terminal app (or Command prompt) and execute the bundle command.
% cd text2voice_test
% bundle
You can get API Key from the below link.
Copy .env.sample
to .env
% cp .env.sample .env
Use copy command with Windows.
> copy .env.sample .env
Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your API key in .env
Run text2voice_test.rb script.
% ruby text2voice_test.rb
0. Play with the selected conditions.
1. Set text to say. current: こーんにーちは。こんにちはじゃねぇよこんばんはだろう。
2. Select speaker. current: haruka
3. Select emotion. current: happiness
4. Set emotion level. current: 4
5. Set pitch. current 100%
6. Set speed. current 100%
H. History.
Q. Quit.
Choose a command No.:
Choose command No. and then set parameters.
- 0: Speak with current conditions. (Or just press enter key.)
- 1-6: You can set parameters for VoiceText Web.
- H: Show histories and speak with its conditions.
- Q: Quit