Lakshmanan Meiyappan Banner Image

Hey! 👋

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I'm Lakshmanan Meiyappan!

  • Currently: MS CS Student at University of Illinois at Chicago.
  • Previously: Full Stack Software Engineer at Zoho Corporation.

💻 I'm Currently Learning

Tensorflow Developer Certification

Currently working:

Graduate Research Assistant

Now working as Graduate Research Assistant at Breathe Chicago Center, Univerity of Illinois at Chicago. I build HIPAA Compliant Healthcare software, automation and analyze clinical research data.

#100MLProjects 💯

100MLProjects is a challenge that I created for myself to get proficient in Machine Learning and Deep Learning by building 100 Projects with increasing complexity, over a period of two years.

I document my experience throughout this process, and you can find them on my Blog.

Check out my GitHub repository:

GitHub Stats GitHub Stats

👀 Stats

GitHub Stats:
GitHub Stats

Programming activity (Last 7 days):

About Laxmena⚡:

I'm a Graduate Student living in Chicago, IL. Outside Tech, I love to read, enjoy music and explore nature outdoors. If you are around Chicago, drop an email and let's catch-up over Coffee!

📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn