
Node module to send SMS via the Swisscom SMS API

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

NOTE: This repo is no longer maintained...


Node module to send SMS via the Swisscom SMS API.

Swisscom Developer Account

  1. Register on the Swisscom Developer Portal.
  2. Generate your API key here.

Usage (CoffeeScript)

# example.coffee

SMSApi 		= require 'swisscom-sms-api'

config = 
		sender: '+41791234567'

sms = 
	recipient: '+41791234567'
	messageText: 'hello world'

gateway = new SMSApi config.smsApi

gateway.on 'sent', ()->
	console.log 'all messages sent'

gateway.on 'error', (error) ->
	console.log 'an error occurred: ', error

gateway.on 'deliveryStatus', (status) ->
	consoloe log 'this is a status for each recipient', status

gateway.send sms.recipient, sms.messageText

Run coffee example.coffee from your command line.

Usage (Javascript)

// example.js
var SMSApi, config, gateway, sms;

SMSApi = require('swisscom-sms-api');

config = {
  smsApi: {
    sender: '+41791234567',

sms = {
  recipient: '+41791234567',
  messageText: 'hello world'

gateway = new SMSApi(config.smsApi);

gateway.on('sent', function() {
  return console.log('all messages sent');

gateway.on('error', function(error) {
  return console.log('an error occurred: ', error);

gateway.on('deliveryStatus', function(status) {
  return console.log('deliveryStatus: ', status);

gateway.send(sms.recipient, sms.messageText);

Run node example.js from your command line.

#Delivery Status Please refer to the API Documentation. There are two known delivery status which the service returns:

  1. DeliveredToNetwork - means the sms is deliverd to the mobile network and will be delivered to the recipient as soon as possible.
  2. DeliveryImpossible - means the delivery to the mobile network is not possible. An unknown recipient number can be a reason.


npm install swisscom-sms-api


The Swisscom SMS API uses debug for logging. Just set the DEBUG environment variable to swisscom-*

  • Example using CoffeeScript: DEBUG=swisscom-* coffee example.coffee
  • Example using Javascript: DEBUG=swisscom-* node example.js
