
Modern real-time chat in scalable architecture.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Go Random Chat

GitHub tag (latest SemVer) CI status api

Modern real-time chat platform in scalable architecture, written in go.

Kafka is used for message Pub/Sub. Checkout this branch for the Redis Pub/Sub version.


System architecture



  • Real-time communication and efficient websocket handling using Melody.
  • Microservices architecture. All services are stateless and can be horizontally scaled on demand.
    • web: frontend server
    • user: user account server
    • match: user matching server
    • chat: messaging server
    • forwarder: message forwarding server that maps message receivers to specific chat servers
    • uploader: file uploader
  • Use gRPC for inter-service communication
    • with retry, timeout, and circuit breaker
  • Use cobra and viper for CLI and configuration management respectively.
  • Dependency injection using wire.
  • Graceful shutdown.
  • Observability using Golang Prometheus client for monitoring and opentelemetry-go for tracing.
  • At-least-once delivery for message Pub/Sub using Kafka.
  • Persist messages and chat channel metadata in Cassandra, an open source NoSQL distributed database for scalability and high availability.
  • Automatically generate RESTful API documentation with Swagger 2.0.
  • User login session management using http-only cookie.
  • Support Google OAuth2 login.
  • User matching with idempotency.
  • Chat channel authentication using JWT.
  • S3-compatible object storage for uploaded files.
  • Channel-level file access control using S3 presigned URLs.
  • Support uploading images from clipboard.
  • Use Traefik FowardAuth for file upload authentication.
  • Protect file upload api with distributed rate limiting (token bucket algorithm).
  • Message seen feature.
  • Auto-scroll to the first unseen message.
  • Persist chat history on browser close or page refresh.
  • Automatic websocket reconnection.
  • Responsive web design.


Getting Started


  • Docker-Compose v2
  • Root permission

First, create OAuth client ID credentials and replace USER_OAUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENTID and USER_OAUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENTSECRET with your credentials in run.sh.

Example setting:

To run locally, execute the following command:

cd deployments
sudo ./run.sh add-host
./run.sh start

run.sh add-host needs root permission to alias minio to localhost in /etc/hosts.

Check cassandra connection:

docker exec deployments-cassandra-1 bash -c "cat /opt/bitnami/cassandra/logs/cassandra.log"
docker exec deployments-cassandra-1 bash -c "cqlsh -u ming -p cassandrapass"

This will spin up all services declared in docker-compose.yaml. Visit http://localhost and you will see the application home page.

Bucket myfilebucket will be created automatically on minio by createbucket. However, if minio is still initializing after 5 retries of createbucket, the bucket creation will fail. If this happens, please run the following command once minio is up and running:

docker restart deployments-createbucket-1
  • Visit http://localhost for the application home page.
  • Visit http://localhost:8080 for Traefik dashboard.
  • VIsit http://localhost:9001 for Minio dashboard.
  • Visit http://localhost:9090 for Prometheus dashboard.
  • Visit http://localhost:16686 for Jaeger dashboard.
  • Visit http://localhost/api/<svc>/swagger/index.html for API documentation, where <svc> could be user, match, chat, or uploader.

Example configuration: config.example.yaml.

Deploy with SSL

A common scenario is that one deploys the application behind a reverse proxy with SSL termination. If that is your case, remember to correctly configure your proxy for websocket. For example, in Google Cloud Platform, for websocket traffic sent through a Google Cloud external HTTP(S) load balancer, the backend service timeout is interpreted as the maximum amount of time that a WebSocket connection can remain open, whether idle or not. Therefore, you may want to use a timeoutSec value larger than the default 30 seconds in your BackendConfig.

Docker Tagging Rules

Event Ref Docker Tags
pull_request refs/pull/2/merge pr-2
push refs/heads/master master
push refs/heads/releases/v1 releases-v1
push tag refs/tags/v1.2.3 v1.2.3, latest
push tag refs/tags/v2.0.8-beta.67 v2.0.8-beta.67, latest