
Common simple python monads for more readable and maintainable pipeline-based code.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

▶️ fundom

fundom is an API for writing functional pipelines with Python3.10+. It is developed with Domain Driven Design in mind and highly inspired by the concepts of functional domain modelling.


pipe and future

pipe and future are not really monads, but some abstractions that provides functionality for creating pipelines of sync and async functions. Inspired by |> F# operator.

In F# one can write something like this to execute multiple functions sequentially:

3 |> ifSome add1
  |> ifSome prod2
  |> ifNothing (fun _ -> 0)

Which basically means "Add 1 to value if it is some, than if result of previous operation is some multiply it by 2, than if result of previous operation is nothing return 0"

Python does not have such operator. In this way I've attempted to provide 2 abstraction compatible with each other - pipe and future.

pipe is for calling synchronous functions one-by-one. Example:

result = (
  << (lambda x: x + 1)
  << (lambda x: x * 2)

finish method is needed to return wrapped into pipe container value, as on each << step value returned by passed function is wrapped into pipe container for further chaining.

If your function returns pipe object that to unpack that one can use @pipe.returns decorator.

def parse_http_query(query: bytes) -> dict:
  return (
    << some_when(is_not_empty)
    << if_some(bytes_decode("UTF-8"))
    << if_some(str_split("&"))
    << if_some(cmap(str_split("=")))
    << if_some(dict)
    << if_none(returns({}))

However this limits us to working with synchronous functions only. What if we want to work with asynchronous functions (and event in synchronous context)? For that case we have future container.

future is some awaitable container that wraps some awaitable value and can evaluate next awaitable Future in synchronous context. It's easier to see once in action than to listen twice how it works.

result = await (
  >> this_async  # returns Future
  << (lambda x: x + 1)
  << (lambda x: x * 2)

future does not have finish method like pipe as it is awaitable and in some sense it has built-in unpacking keyword - await.

Also sometimes it might be useful to wrap value returns by async function into future. For that one can use @future.returns decorator:

async def some_future_function(arg: int) -> bool:

Basically the way this containers map to each other looks like this. While we work with pipe and sync functions we use << and remain in pipe context. But right at the moment we need to apply some async function future comes out and replaces pipe.

graph LR;

  pipe --"<<"--> pipe
  pipe --">>"--> future
  future --"<<"--> future
  future --">>"--> future

This scheme describes how pipe and future convert to each other during pipeline execution.

pipe and future are main building blocks for functional pipelines.


Function composition is important feature that allows us to build functions on the fly. For that fundom provides special compose function (actually it is class). It has the same interface as pipe/future but does not take input argument:

parse_http_query: Callable[[bytes], dict] = (
  << some_when(is_not_empty)
  << if_some(bytes_decode("UTF-8"))
  << if_some(str_split("&"))
  << if_some(cmap(str_split("=")))
  << if_some(dict)
  << if_none(returns({}))

Sync functions are composed with << and async with >>. I suggest providing type annotation for functions created via compose, especially it is important for domain modelling.

Maybe monad

fundom does not provide dedicated Maybe monad with dedicates containers like Just/Some and Nothing, but provides multiple functions for handling None:

  • if_some
  • if_none
  • if_some_returns
  • if_none_returns
  • some_when
  • some_when_future
  • choose_some
  • choose_some_future

Result monad

Result monad also known as Either is not provided by fundom too. But there is interface for handling Exception objects:

  • if_ok
  • if_error
  • if_ok_returns
  • if_error_returns
  • ok_when
  • ok_when_future
  • choose_ok
  • choose_ok_future
  • safe
  • safe_future


Often we have some expressions that return boolean values (logical). To provide composition for such functions - predicates - there are 2 combinators: each and one.

each performs logical AND operation across predicates and stands for mathematical conjunction. one on the other hand performs logical OR and implements disjunction.

p = (
  << (each() << (lambda x: x > 3) << (lambda x: x < 10))
  << (each() << (lambda x: x > 23) << (lambda x: x < 55))


But why only one argument functions are supported?

  • Pipeline can be imagined as a tube - there is exactly one input and one output.
  • Any function in functional programming is one-argument function. This concept is called curring.

Second point is actually the one that makes most problems. I see 3 significantly different ways of doing curring in Python:

  • Python partial from functools standard package.
  • Decorator like @curry from toolz package.
  • Writing Higher-Order Functions by yourself.

There are drawbacks of each of the method:

Method 👍 👎
partial no additional dependencies; type hints are lost; bad-looking syntax;
@curry easy syntax for any function; type hints are lost;
HOFs type hints remain; might seem verbose;

I consider it is a matter of personal preference which way to stick to, but I prefer the last option. In many cases it is not that difficult and hard to write a few more lines of code somewhere outside.

Also as some incomplete curring shortcut several decorators provided - hof1, hof2 and hof3. This decorators separate first X (1, 2 or 3 correspondingly) arguments of function with other.

def split(separator: str, data: str) -> list[str]:
  return data.split(separator)

def encode(encoding: str, data: str) -> bytes:
  return data.encode(encoding)

result = (
  pipe("Hello, world!")
  << split(" ")
  << cmap(encode("UTF-8"))
  << list

# same as
result = list(map(lambda s: s.encode("UTF-8"), "Hello, World!".split(" ")))

In this way actually any function with multiple arguments can become single argument function without losing type hints.

Why 3 is max number of arguments for function to put in HOF?

I consider that if you have more than 3 arguments for your function than this function is bad and data structures you use are bad. They are complex and make it hard to write truly declarative code.

Why not to use tuple as single argument?

Valid suggestion, however this makes args projections between chained functions much more complex and you can'y easily convert function to HOF.

Some common HOFs

There are multiple common HOF composable functions:

  • foldl - curried reduce left
  • foldr - curried reduce right
  • cmap - curried map
  • cfilter - curried filter

Some common point-free utilities

Point-free means that function is not used with "dot notation" (like method).

  • for str
    • str_center - point-free str.center
    • str_count - point-free str.count
    • str_encode - point-free str.encode
    • str_endswith - point-free str.endswith
    • str_find - point-free str.find
    • str_index - point-free str.index
    • str_removeprefix - point-free str.removeprefix
    • str_removesuffix - point-free str.removesuffix
    • str_replace - point-free str.replace
    • str_split - point-free str.split
    • str_startswith - point-free str.startswith
    • str_strip - point-free str.strip
  • for bytes
    • bytes_center - point-free bytes.center
    • bytes_count - point-free bytes.count
    • bytes_decode - point-free bytes.decode
    • bytes_endswith - point-free bytes.endswith
    • bytes_find - point-free bytes.find
    • bytes_index - point-free bytes.index
    • bytes_removeprefix - point-free bytes.removeprefix
    • bytes_removesuffix - point-free bytes.removesuffix
    • bytes_replace - point-free bytes.replace
    • bytes_split - point-free bytes.split
    • bytes_startswith - point-free bytes.startswith
    • bytes_strip - point-free bytes.strip
  • for dict
    • dict_maybe_get - point-free dict.get(key, None)
    • dict_try_get - point-free dict[key]