Scrabble Scorer

This directory has a file containing a HUGE list of words. Your task is to write a method that can find the word within that list that would get the highest score in a game of scrabble. We will ignore multipliers.

To speed things up, here are values of the letters in scrabble:

  • (1 point)- A, E, I, O, U, L, N, S, T, R.
  • (2 points)- D, G.
  • (3 points)- B, C, M, P.
  • (4 points)- F, H, V, W, Y.
  • (5 points)- K.
  • (8 points)- J, X.
  • (10 points)- Q, Z.

Hint: Start by writing a method that can return the scrabble score of any given word.


  • It might be that multiple words score the highest. It's sufficient to return any one of them.
  • Your method should be case-insensitive.