
OpenTelemetry Demo App

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Instana OpenTelemetry Demo

This OpenTelemetry demo consists of the following services:


  • cart: (Auto-Instrumented) NodeJS application talking to MongoDB and Redis
  • catalogue: (Auto-Instrumented) NodeJS application talking to MongoDB
  • dispatch: A golang application consuming from RabbitMQ
  • front: An nginx frontend proxy server
  • payment: (Auto-Instrumented) Python application talking to RabbitMQ, receiving and calling via HTTP
  • ratings: PHP/Symfony Application reading and writing to MySQL
  • shipping: (Auto-Instrumented) Java Application
  • user: (Auto-Instrumented) NodeJS application reading and writing to MongoDB
  • web: Apache web server for static assets


  • mongodb
  • redis
  • rabbitmq
  • mysql

(Kinda) Optional:

  • agent: Instana Agent configured to receive OpenTelemetry via OTLP
  • load-gen: Load Generator for the whole thing


The Otel-Shop can be deployed to Kubernetes or plain docker-compose.


  1. Copy .env.template to .env and set the values straight in there.
  2. docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose-agent.yaml -f docker-compose-load.yaml pull
  3. docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose-agent.yaml -f docker-compose-load.yaml up


Deploy the Instana Agent via our helm chart or operator and enable the OpenTelemetry collector endpoint:

Helm Chart:

helm install --create-namespace instana-agent --namespace instana-agent \
    --repo https://agents.instana.io/helm \
    --set agent.key='<your agent key>' \
    --set agent.endpointHost='<your host agent endpoint>' \
    --set cluster.name='<your-cluster-name>' \
    --set zone.name='<your-zone-name>' \
    --set opentelemetry.enabled=true \ # this is the setting


Note: You need cert-manager in your cluster. You can install it as follows, if you dont have it:

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.7.1/cert-manager.yaml

Install the Instana Agent operator

# Install the operator
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/instana/instana-agent-operator/releases/latest/download/instana-agent-operator.yaml

Create a agent.yaml file with the following content and apply it: kubectl apply -f agent.yaml

# Deploy Instana Agents with OTel
apiVersion: instana.io/v1
kind: InstanaAgent
  name: instana-agent
  namespace: instana-agent
    name: '<your-zone-name>'
    name: '<your-cluster-name>'
  # this setting enables the OpenTelemetry collector endpoint
    enabled: true
    key: <your agent key>
    endpointHost: <your host agent endpoint>
    endpointPort: "443"
    env: {}
    configuration_yaml: |
      # Disable Python AutoInstrumentation through Instana
          enabled: false

Install OTel-Shop in your cluster

helm install otel-shop otel-shop \
  --create-namespace \
  --namespace otel-shop \
  --repo https://instana.github.io/otel-shop/

Upgrading OTel-Shop to the latest version

helm upgrade otel-shop otel-shop \
  --namespace otel-shop \
  --repo https://instana.github.io/otel-shop/

Sending OTLP somewhere else

This chart can as well as adressing Instana, send the data to some other destination, via OTLP.

The following settings can be used:

opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.endpoint - Set the OTLP endpoint to send the data to (defaulting to Instana Agent) opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.headers - Set a list of comma-separated headers for the OTLP exporter (defaulting to blanks)


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