
Proposal for Transaction Improvement for Giphys and Emojis in op_Return

Primary LanguageHTML


Improvement for
Giphys & 
Emojis in

a reference for implementing meme support into standard dogecoin transactions you can find us on discord https://discord.gg/zdUFFdQ2Hq

and please have a look at the discussion on the dogecoin core github: dogecoin/dogecoin#2276

here is a running test for the encoding, as the index.html provides: http://tiger.dogeflipping.info/


there are many ways to make dogecoin more fun to use and therefore be adapted by more people. we want to add emojis and giphy links to transactions because we think that would be fun.

the upcoming tx fee reduction leads to new way for new ideas on the reliable doge network. with a standard for sending memes / emojis, we pave the way for a smart doge protocol running just in the existing boundaries of the dogecoin-core protocol - no changes needed!

everybody can now already send a doge transaction with a emoji or giphy link inside - an example: db78e674f7ea0517810a3ce9f1002aeb5f65ce5fbe559b8a3c1c8f2cb2064e98

check the OP_RETURN part:

script_asm: "OP_RETURN 804520206",
script_hex: "6a040e01f42f"

0e = TIGER content
01f42f = 🐯



Protocol Part Routing Flag Content
OP_RETURN <2 Byte> <up to 78 Byte>

Routing Flags

flag content planned use example result
00-09 <up to 78 Byte> reserved (other use cases) - -
0a <44 Byte> Solana NFT 44zJATRBfYz5B8cG75uXByM4S5qNkf7P71HNjvXtGmgA -
0b <42 Byte> Fantom NFT 0xdb087e7c1115cff0499d34dd5eabb0453a363f0e -
0c <32 Byte> Tezos NFT KT1XHwHm57K92XEsE5FNNDbeNk22eHsEwkBc -
0d <up to 78 Byte> Ethereum NFTs from a specific community Contract? - -
0e emojis 0e01f42f 🐯
0f giphys 0f<hex-encoded Q4IN9hDFEwISDujIbe Image giphy

NFT Transactions

decoding OP_RETURN hex values -> NFT_ID -> insert Webviewer of NFT (Whitelisted NFTs only?)

Emoji Transactions

decoding OP_RETURN hex values -> EMOJI_ID -> insert emoji according to Unicode Emoji

Giphy Transactions

decoding OP_RETURN hex values -> GIPHY_ID -> insert image with https://media.giphy.com/media/<GIPHY_ID>/giphy.gif link

reference implementations


as a dogecoin-qt fork



check out https://github.com/fmhc/dogecoin-OP_RETURN and do something like python3 send-OP_RETURN.py "nkv6k1wy5pRaZJbY3Buq2PS5s21oJHP78D" 1.0 '0e01f432' 1

looking at

clone this repository and open index.html file


current short-term main objectives:

  • TIGER protocol definition as part of the official dogecoin-core project
  • working prototype in dogecoin-qt

this is somehow a roadmap:

  • technical background check
  • proof-of-concept
  • minimal visualisation prototype
  • get official support from all main core devs (work in progress)
  • discuss why giphy IDs and Emojis are much safu & much wow for future of dogecoin as payment
  • add prototype of safe emoji+giphy send/receive function to dogecoin-qt reference wallet as PR in 1.14.4-dev with optional build flag
  • discussion / agreement to have TIGER emoji / giphy support as optional setting in dogecoin-qt 1.21
  • implement safu emoji+giphy send / receive function in other wallets
  • get more devs on board to build smart contract addon for doge nodes (smart contract VM)
  • implement animal charity emoji wallet example with sub-routing of funds based on animal emojis (frog shelter and wolf farms, you know)
  • get some designers who can communicate this slightly authistic words in memes


we're open for contributions and discussions, please check out the links above and get on the team asap!