
The python translation of the BaTraMaSpa repository

Primary LanguagePython


The Python translation of some of the R functions in the BaTraMaSpa repository, which implements the methods in https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.04211. The Python implementation here allows model fitting with mini-batch gradient descent based on autoDiff, and can hence be much faster than the R implementation.

Main functions

  • fit_map_mini: fit linear or non-linear transport maps with mini-batch subsampling
  • cond_samp: conditional sampling

Exact Maxmin ordering

The exact maxmin ordering is a replicate of https://github.com/katzfuss-group/bayesOpt/tree/main/vecchiaBayesOpt/pyvecch/sorting. To use exact maxmin, first install the Python package included in the maxmin_exact folder, then import the maxmin_exact.py python file.


Example 1

Fit GP data from an exponential kernel.

import numpy as np
from maxmin_approx import maxmin_approx
from NNarray import NN_L2

Simulate locations.

n = 2500
ns = 10
m = 30
d = 2
locs = np.random.rand(n, d).astype('float32')
odr = maxmin_approx(locs)
locs = locs[odr, :]
NN = NN_L2(locs, m)

Unfortunately, it seems torch and faiss are not compatible in some cases, .e.g, under certain versions, OS. So torch here is imported after NN array is constructed. Now we simulate the GP data.

import torch
from torch.distributions.multivariate_normal import MultivariateNormal
from fit_map import fit_map_mini, compute_scal, cond_samp
locs = torch.from_numpy(locs)
NN = torch.from_numpy(NN)[:, 1:]
covM = torch.exp(-torch.cdist(locs, locs).div(2)) + torch.eye(n)
distObj = MultivariateNormal(torch.zeros(n), covM)
data = distObj.sample(torch.Size([ns]))

Fit the transport map, assuming either linear or non-linear.

scal = compute_scal(locs, NN)
fitLin = fit_map_mini(data, NN, linear=True, scal=scal, lr=1e-4, maxIter=50)
fitNonlin = fit_map_mini(data, NN, linear=False, scal=scal, lr=1e-4, maxIter=50)

Posterior sampling for the 80-th location.

i = 79
NNrow = NN[i, :]
xFix = torch.zeros(i)
xFix[NNrow] = data[:, NNrow].mean(dim=0)
nVal = 20
NNVal = torch.zeros(2, nVal)
NNVal[0, :] = torch.linspace(start=data[:, NNrow[0]].min(dim=0).values,
                             end=data[:, NNrow[0]].max(dim=0).values,
NNVal[1, :] = torch.linspace(start=data[:, NNrow[1]].min(dim=0).values,
                             end=data[:, NNrow[1]].max(dim=0).values,
fx = torch.zeros(nVal, nVal)
fxLin = torch.zeros(nVal, nVal)
with torch.no_grad():
    for k in range(nVal):
        for l in range(nVal):
            xFix[NNrow[:2]] = torch.tensor([NNVal[0, k], NNVal[1, l]])
            fx[k, l] = cond_samp(fitNonlin, 'fx', xFix=xFix, indLast=i)[i]
            fxLin[k, l] = cond_samp(fitLin, 'fx', xFix=xFix, indLast=i)[i]

Example 2

Fit the precipitation data of 20 days.

import numpy as np
from maxmin_approx import maxmin_approx
from NNarray import NN_L2

Construct locations and precipitation data.

data = np.genfromtxt("data/prec20.csv", delimiter=',', dtype='float32')[:, 1:]
n = data.shape[0]
ns = data.shape[1] - 2
m = 30
d = 2
locs = np.transpose(data[:d, :])
data = data[d:, :]
data = data / data.max()
odr = maxmin_approx(locs)
locs = locs[odr, :]
NN = NN_L2(locs, m)

Maximin order and NN array construction,

import torch
from fit_map import fit_map_mini, compute_scal, cond_samp
locs = torch.from_numpy(locs)
data = torch.from_numpy(data)
NN = torch.from_numpy(NN)[:, 1:]

Fit the transport map, assuming either linear or non-linear.

scal = compute_scal(locs, NN)
fitLin = fit_map_mini(data, NN, linear=True, scal=scal, lr=1e-4, maxIter=100)
fitNonlin = fit_map_mini(data, NN, linear=False, scal=scal, lr=1e-4, maxIter=100)

Posterior sampling for the 80-th location.

i = 79
NNrow = NN[i, :]
xFix = torch.zeros(i)
xFix[NNrow] = data[:, NNrow].mean(dim=0)
nVal = 20
NNVal = torch.zeros(2, nVal)
NNVal[0, :] = torch.linspace(start=data[:, NNrow[0]].min(dim=0).values,
                             end=data[:, NNrow[0]].max(dim=0).values,
NNVal[1, :] = torch.linspace(start=data[:, NNrow[1]].min(dim=0).values,
                             end=data[:, NNrow[1]].max(dim=0).values,
fx = torch.zeros(nVal, nVal)
fxLin = torch.zeros(nVal, nVal)
with torch.no_grad():
    for k in range(nVal):
        for l in range(nVal):
            xFix[NNrow[:2]] = torch.tensor([NNVal[0, k], NNVal[1, l]])
            fx[k, l] = cond_samp(fitNonlin, 'fx', xFix=xFix, indLast=i)[i]
            fxLin[k, l] = cond_samp(fitLin, 'fx', xFix=xFix, indLast=i)[i]