
Meu blog pessoal. Escrevo sobre meus estudos, projetos e descobertas. Também rabisco sobre meu dia ou semana.

MIT LicenseMIT

My blog

Here you'll find all articles wrote by me, including their images and code samples.

I also post articles in dev.to and tabnews.

It's built with hugo SSG and PaperMod theme. The articles can be found in content/posts.


Pre-requisites: hugo.

Get the PaperMod theme locally:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Run the following command to start the development server:

hugo server -D

With this hugo GitHub action, deploy on push to branch main.


Wanna suggest a different approach? See a typo, a failing link or any kind of error? File an issue.

Wanna show your gratitude? Consider a star on this repository.

I appreciate it! Thank you very much in advance.

Wrote with ❤ by Kauê Fraga Rodrigues.