
This repository contains Ansible roles and Molecule configurations.

Primary LanguagePython

Test Ansible roles using Molecule

This is the how to guide for deploying sample.war in a Tomcat container with a self signed SSL Nginx reverse proxy.


There are three roles defined here and they are intended to install OpenJDK,Apache Tomcat, and Nginx. These roles are supposed to work on CentOS 7 and tested using CentOS7 Docker image. Further, You may find the self signed certificates in ansible-role-nginx/files directory This has been implemented in [Molecule] (https://molecule.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).

Directory hierarchy for Molecule roles

You can find below molecule roles in molecule directory (ansible-molecule/molecule).

  • ansible-role-tomcat: This role installs OpenJDK 1.8 and Apache Tomcat 8. Furthermore, Tomcat is configured to run default port including systemd service.
  • ansible-role-nginx: This installs and configures reverse proxy with self signed SSL. At this moment Nginx version 1.12.2 is availble in the repos and installed.
  • ansible-role-deployapp: Deploys the sample.war into newly build Apache Tomcat instance and restart the service.

How to run and test Ansible roles

I assume you have installed below tools and applications in your local/desktop server.


  1. Docker in your localhost.

  2. Molecule in your localhost. [https://molecule.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html]

  3. Install docker-py using pip.

     pip install docker-py
  4. git in your localhost.

  5. Once you are done with all installations execute below commands sequentially assuming now you are here.



1.Firstly, you have to clone the repository from GitHub repo.


You can see there are two commands are running for running role task and testing them.

  • molecule check: Dry run the all actions in the role.
  • molecule converge: Run the all tasks written in tasks/main.yml
  • molecule verify: Run the testing scripts (molecule/default/ using testinfra

2.Execute below to install and config Tomcat.

  cd ansible-role-tomcat
  molecule check
  molecule converge
  molecule verify 

You can see molecule executes all role tasks

3.Execute below to install and config Nginx with self signed SSL certificate.

  cd ansible-role-nginx
  molecule check
  molecule converge 
  molecule verify          

4.This execution will install the application and restart the Tomcat.

  cd ansible-role-tomcat
  molecule check
  molecule converge 
  molecule verify       

5.Now you run below command in your host server.

curl -vk 

Expected output:

<title>Sample "Hello, World" Application</title>
<body bgcolor=white>
<table border="0">
<img src="images/tomcat.gif">
<h1>Sample "Hello, World" Application</h1>
<p>This is the home page for a sample application used to illustrate the
source directory organization of a web application utilizing the principles
outlined in the Application Developer's Guide.
<p>To prove that they work, you can execute either of the following links:
<li>To a <a href="hello.jsp">JSP page</a>.
<li>To a <a href="hello">servlet</a>.