About this repo

This repository contains Terraform code for provisioning EKS infrastructure using AWS provider. Enable Fargate or Nodegroup as you wish by setting boolean values in enable_fargate/enable_nodegroup in variable.tf


Before running the Terraform code, you will need to:

  • Have Terraform installed locally.
  • Set up AWS credentials with necessary permissions to create and manage resources.
  • Install the following Terraform providers:
    • local > 2.3.0
    • tls > 4.0.4
    • aws > 4.53.0

Getting Started

To use this Terraform code:

  1. Update your AWS key id and access key in credentials file
  2. Clone and set boolean values to enable_fargate/enable_nodegroup in variable.tf
  3. Execute the Terraform
  4. Execute the shell script (files/config_nodegroup.sh or files/config_fargate.sh) to configure the cluster


Variable Name Description Type Default Value
enable_fargate Set true to enable Fargate for the EKS cluster bool true
enable_nodegroup Set true to enable Nodegroup for the EKS cluster bool false
nodegroup_scaling_config_options Pass Nodegroup scaling configs for the EKS cluster. This variable is valid only if enable_nodegroup is true. map(any) { desired_size = 3, max_size = 5, min_size = 3 }
region The AWS region where the EKS cluster will be created. string us-west-2
cluster_name The name of the EKS cluster to be created. string tf_eks_fargate
environment The environment where the EKS cluster will be created. string POC