
The public UI for the Kausal Watch platform

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Kausal Watch Action Plan Monitoring UI

GPLv3 License

React UI for browsing and visualizing action plans. Built using Next.js.



Getting Started

Clone the repository, install the dependencies and run the development server locally:

yarn set version 3.2.1
yarn config set nodeLinker 'node-modules'
yarn install
yarn dev

Preview the application locally at http://localhost:3000/

Environment Variables

Define the following variables in .env if you need to override them for local development. Variables prefixed with NEXT_PUBLIC_ are build-time variables, which are available in client components. When using environment variables in client-side code, import them from @/common/environment to support fallbacks.

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL (previously APLANS_API_BASE_URL): Configure a custom API URL, e.g. staging or a local backend.
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_DEPLOYMENT_TYPE: Change the deployment type, e.g. staging or production.

End-to-end Testing

Before the first run, ensure the browsers Playwright needs are installed:

node_modules/.bin/playwright install

Then add the plan identifiers you want to test to your .env file:


To point tests to the specific environment use the following environment variable in .env file:




Now you should be able to run the test suite. You might want to start either the development or the production server first. If you don't, the test suite will start one for you (the dev server will be started if the TEST_DEVSERVER env variable is set). You should be able to run the test suite like this:

node_modules/.bin/playwright test

Building the custom version of plotly.js

If you need to add new plot types, or update to the upstream version of plotly.js, clone the plotly.js GitHub repository and run the following commands:

npm install
npx change-package-name @kausal/plotly-custom
npm run empty-dist && npm run locales && npm run bundle && npm run schema dist
npm run custom-bundle -- --unminified --traces ${TRACES}
npm run custom-bundle -- --traces ${TRACES}
npm publish --access public


Debug server side GraphQL queries by setting the LOG_GRAPHQL_QUERIES=true environment variable. This will log all outgoing queries and variables in your dev server console.

Building and deploying in production

To run the app in production mode:

yarn install
yarn build
yarn start


Kausal Watch is developed and maintained by Kausal Oy.


Kausal Watch is an open-source service based on Helsinki Climate Watch, a service developed by the City of Helsinki. Helsinki Climate Watch has received funding from the European Union EIT Climate-KIC programme.


City of Helsinki would like to request that when this source code is forked and deployed to production use for another organization, the following phrases mwould be added to the FAQ or similar section of the user-visible UI, as well as to the public presentations or other materials presenting the new service:

[Name of the service] is an open-source service based on Helsinki Climate Watch, a service developed by the City of Helsinki. Helsinki Climate Watch has received funding from the European Union EIT Climate-KIC programme.

Or in Finnish:

Palvelu on avointa lähdekoodia ja perustuu alun perin Helsingin kaupungin kehittämään Helsingin ilmastovahti -palveluun. Helsingin ilmastovahti on saanut tukea EU:n Climate-KIC-ohjelmasta.

Good to know

  • If you're using VSCode, install the Apollo GraphQL extension for GQL query autocompletion and deprecation warnings