
Implementation of the paper PiggybackGAN (ECCV 2020) as part of ML reproducibility challenge.

Primary LanguagePython

Piggyback GAN Pytorch

Piggyback GAN is a framework for lifelong learning in generative models. Specifically, it considers the problem of image-to-image translation using the CycleGAN and Pix2Pix framework. The goal (as with any lifelong learning framework) is to be able to learn as many tasks as possible, with minimal increase in no. of parameters.

The CycleGAN and Pix2Pix code is mostly taken from here.

The main contribution of this repository is the implementation of PiggybackConv and PiggybackTransposeConv module in ./models/networks.py. These are custom convolution modules that have unconstrained filters and piggyback filters. As described in the paper, there are only unconstrained filters for Task 1. In the subsequent tasks, there are both piggyback and unconstrained filters. An illustartion of this task-wise filter learning is shown below with a figure from the paper:

The repository also implements GPU parallelism through nn.DistributedDataParallel.


The performance of Piggyback GAN on each of the sequential tasks at the end of 4 tasks is visualized below:

Instructions to run

First, run the following to setup the environment:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Download 4 cycleGAN datasets:

bash ./datasets/download_cyclegan_dataset.sh maps
bash ./datasets/download_cyclegan_dataset.sh facades
bash ./datasets/download_cyclegan_dataset.sh vangogh2photo

For cityscapes, read instructions on how to download and prepare, from: ./datasets/prepare_cityscapes_dataset.py

To perform training, run:

python pb_cycleGAN.py train=True

After training, the following folder structure is created:

+-- checkpoints
    +-- Task_1_cityscapes_cycleGAN
        +-- Intermediate_train_images
        +-- filters.pt 
        +-- latest_checkpoint.pt
    +-- Task_2_maps_cycleGAN
        +-- Intermediate_train_images
        +-- filters.pt 
        +-- latest_checkpoint.pt
    +-- Task_3_facades_cycleGAN
        +-- Intermediate_train_images
        +-- filters.pt 
        +-- latest_checkpoint.pt
    +-- Task_4_vangogh2photo_cycleGAN
        +-- Intermediate_train_images
        +-- filters.pt 
        +-- latest_checkpoint.pt

To perform testing from trained model, use:

python pb_cycleGAN.py train=False

During the testing phase, the code restores the filters from the last task and uses only parts of it for every task. This is because with every task, the weights (unconstrined filter bank and piggyback weight matrix) of current and all previous tasks are stored.

After testing code is run, a folder called Test_images gets created under each Task_x_y_cycleGAN folder.


  • Add results.
  • Include hydra for config management.
  • Add dataset download scripts.
  • Include experiemnts on pix2pix
  • Calculate FID and tabulate results.