
Predicting best fit for given job description using BERT BASE UNCASED pertained model

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Profile Fit Prediction

    -With better PROfile FIT, comes better PROFIT


Screening resumes plays a crucial part in hiring the right talent for an organization. However, this process is laborious and so the organizations use automatic screening systems for filtering resumes which are often inaccurate. 62% of recruiters admit that qualified candidates are overlooked by current resume screening systems There are many limitations in the current systems:

  1. Current systems are naïve because they look for the exact keyword from the job description in resumes for filtering candidates.
  2. Current systems are ambiguous as they don't capture the context of keywords.
  3. Candidates can easily trick the current systems by adding important keywords from job descriptions to their resumes.

After researching about these screening systems and talking to some recruiter, I came up with a pipeline and built a tool for recruiters to overcome the limitations of the existing resume screening systems.

Web App:


Preparing an environment to run the code:

  1. Install Anaconda or Miniconda Package Manager from here
  2. Create a new virtual environment and install the required packages:
conda create -n profile_fit_prediction python
conda activate profile_fit_prediction

If using cuda:

conda install pytorch cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
  1. clone the repository and change directory to downloaded repo

  2. Install all requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt 

Minimal Start:

  1. Navigate to Source directory
cd source
  1. Download trained BERT model (~0.5 GB)
  1. define flask app to be executed
export FLASK_APP=server.py
  1. Run the app on your localhost 8000 port
flask run -h -p 8000

From Scratch

  1. Data Collection

Scraper to get candidates profile data from LinkedIn

(i) Notebook: LinkedIn_Data_Crawler.ipynb - Crawls user profile ids from different roles (example: Data Scientist, Artist and Accountant etc.)

(ii) Once I scraped profiles, I used https://github.com/jvandenaardweg/linkedin-profile-scraper to get skills and experience from each profile.

While crawling Data, I built role category tree

Role Category Tree

  1. Data Modelling - Broad Role Classification

Notebook: Broad_Role_Classification_Using_Skills.ipynb

  1. Data Modelling - Deep Role Classification

Notebook: Deep_Role_Classification_Using_Experience.ipynb


Here I am explaining all model parameters, you can find in Deep_Role_Classification_Using_Experience.ipynb

Parameter name Default value Details
model_type None Type of models e.g. BERT, XLNET, Roberta
model_name None https://huggingface.co/transformers/pretrained_models.html
args (optional) None A dictionary containing any settings that should be overwritten from the default values.
use_cuda True Flag used to indicate whether CUDA should be used.
num_labels 2 Number of labels for classification
weight 1 (equal weights) Weights assigned for each label while calculating loss

Model Args (args in parameters)

Here I am explaining all model args, you can find in Deep_Role_Classification_Using_Experience.ipynb

Arg name Default value Details
output_dir (compulsory) "outputs/" Output is stored in this directory.
cache_dir (optional) "cache/" Cache files stored in this directory
best_model_dir (optional) "outputs/best_model/" This is when eval during traing is true - store best model
fp16 True Needs to use NVidia Apex library. Helps inn reducing model size enables training with larger mini-batches
max_seq_length 128 Maximum limit of sequence (input) for the model
train_batch_size 8 Size of training batch
eval_batch_size 8 Size of evaluation batch
gradient_accumulation_steps 1 Number of training steps before we call optimer.step()
num_train_epochs 1 Number of epochs while training model
weight_decay 0 this adds L2 penalty for regularization
learning_rate 4e-5 Learning rate used while training using adam optimizer
adam_epsilon 1e-8 Adam optimizer hyperparameter epsilon value
max_grad_norm 1.0 Max gradient clipping value to avoid exploding gradient ptoblem
do_lower_case False If you are are using unncased model - set it to True
logging_steps 50 https://huggingface.co/transformers/pretrained_models.html
evaluate_during_training False If you want to find ideal hyperparameters - give True and add eval-df while training
evaluate_during_training_steps 2000 Perform evaluation at every specified number of steps. A checkpoint model and the evaluation results will be saved.
evaluate_during_training_verbose False Give True if you eant to print more information
use_cached_eval_features False Give True if Evaluation during training need to use cache
save_eval_checkpoints True Save model checkpoints for evaluation performed
save_steps True Save a model checkpoint at every specified number of steps
no_cache False Save cache features to disk
save_model_every_epoch True saves every model at the end of epoch if True
tensorboard_dir None The default directory of tensorboard files is runs/Dec02_09-32-58_36d9e58955b0/
overwrite_output_dir False If True, the trained model will be saved to the ouput_dir and will overwrite existing saved models in the same directory.
reprocess_input_data True If True, the input data will be reprocessed even if a cached file of the input data exists in the cache_dir.a
process_count 1 or cpu_count() - 2 if cpu_count() > 1 then process_count = cpu_count() - 2
n_gpu 1 Number of GPUs used for building the model
use_multiprocessing True use multiproccessing while converting data to features
wandb_project None name of project defined in weights and biases for visualizing training loss and evaluation loss
wandb_kwargs {} if using weights and biases library, pass arguments
use_early_stopping True Use early stopping to stop training when early_stopping_metric doesn't improve (based on early_stopping_patience, and early_stopping_delta)
early_stopping_patience 3 Terminate training after this many evaluations without an improvement in eval_loss greater then early_stopping_delta
early_stopping_delta 0 The improvement over best_eval_loss necessary to count as a better checkpoint.
early_stopping_metric eval_loss Metrics used for early stopping
early_stopping_metric_minimize True Give True if early_stopping_metric need to be maximum
manual_seed None Use this to manually set seed to reproduce results
config {} Use this parameter to change the configuration options

Training Args

Here I am explaining all training args, you can find in Deep_Role_Classification_Using_Experience.ipynb

Arg name Default value Details
train_df None Dataframe with 2 columns - text and labels
args (optional) None Overwrite changes to the specific model only
eval_df (optional) None Evaluation dataframe used when evaluate_during_training is True
**kwargs (optional) None Add extra evaluation metrics like f1=sklearn.metrics.
weight (optional) equal weights Weights assigned for each label while calculating loss