
React native boilerplate with often used libraries

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Native Boilerplate

Packages included and configured

  • eslint -> follows airbnb styling guide
  • redux -> store configured with reducers and actions and sagas
  • redux-saga -> redux saga integrate in store
  • styled-components -> for styling components
  • react-native-permissions -> cross platform permission request library
  • react-native-vector-icons -> icons library

Can be used

  • react-native-router-flux or react-navigation for routing in app (not included)



  • run react-native init <project name> --package=<package identifier> in your directory
  • let react native install and setup the code
  • delete package.json, App.js files & delete src/* folder in your generated project
  • copy all the files from repo folder (/* & /src/*) to your project
  • change name in package.json file to your own
  • run npm install or yarn install to install dependencies
  • run react-native link react-native-vector-icons to install vector icons library


  • yarn android or yarn ios to run on a device