Prequisites on the local machine to project to be run:
Python 3.6 or above
Node JS v12.0.0 or above
Yarn 1.22.4
Expo SDK 38
pip 3 v20.0.x or above
Steps to run the project on the local machine
Clone this repository into your local machine by using git clone
Setting up the django development server:
Install virtualenv using pip3 install virtualenv
Create a new virtualenv using virtualenv venv
Activate virtualenv using source venv/bin/activate
Install all required dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt
cd into the backend directory and run the following commands to set up database and populate data into it
python makemigrations user
python makemigrations employee
python migrate
python loaddata user.json
python loaddata review.json
To run the development server python runserver.
Deactivate the virtualenv using deactivate.
Note: Step 1,2,4 and 5 are one time process to set up data and dependencies.
Setting up the react local server:
cd into the frontend directory.
Use command yarn to install node modules for the front end.
Keep the django server up and running to make the website functional.
Once the node modules have been installed, run yarn start to start the development server.
Setting up expo SDK for the mobile app:
cd into the mobile directory.
Use command yarn to install node modules for the mobile app.
Keep the django server up and running on your local network to make the app functional.
Note that the command for the django server in this case will be python runserver :8000
Once the node modules have been installed, run yarn start to start the expo server.
Scan the QR code on your mobile device using the expo app available on play store.
Information about the directories in the repository