The project designs, develops, and tests the deployment of a small device (Raspberry Pi) that functions as a firewall, large file transfer facility, and network performance monitor. This project is funded by National Science Foundation and developed by Indiana University Bloomington - https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1547099
- 1
Wrong python command used
#25 opened by kausrini - 0
- 0
Python files not executable
#24 opened by kausrini - 0
GPG key error with debian stretch backports
#23 opened by kausrini - 1
Add SAML 2.0 support for authentication
#20 opened by kausrini - 1
- 0
- 0
Exception handling in sendStatus
#15 opened by JaikrishnaTS - 0
Improve sendMail.py code
#21 opened by kausrini - 2
Suggest using a JSON config file for secrets
#14 opened by JaikrishnaTS - 1
Suggest a shebang line here
#13 opened by JaikrishnaTS - 2
- 0
Dynv6.sh sends the API Token unencrypted
#16 opened by kausrini - 1
Do not capitalize prompt choices
#10 opened by JaikrishnaTS - 2
`file` is a reserved keyword in python2
#11 opened by JaikrishnaTS - 1
Domain Redirection
#19 opened by kausrini - 0
Perfsonar setup prompts user multiple times
#18 opened by kausrini - 1
Issues with README.md
#9 opened by devjayati - 1
- 1
- 1
Generating Docker logs
#8 opened by adv16 - 1
Log Email Functionality needs improvement
#3 opened by kausrini - 1
- 1
Unable to start dhcpcd on all interfaces
#6 opened by kausrini